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Djlover   Aide en Anglais 13 Ce jour à 17:03

voilà pour demain j'ai un texte en anglais à faire sur:
Justice is the same for all. et j'aurai voulu savoir si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes, je ne pense pas qu'ils y en aient trop trop ( enfin j'espère)

merci d'avance! Smile

Firstly, the declaration of the rights of man (1789)"guarantee that" men are born and remain free and in rights"
From my point of view , the liberty, the equality , the poursuit of happiness and the justice for all allow to live in security without discrimination.
These principles are indespensable for the democracy.
Nevertheless, we can't say "justice is the same for all".The law that supposedly protects us from discrimination just isn't worting for anybody. There are still so many people that are being discriminated.
In the one hand,even if the majority of crimes are not committed by minorities(indeed, less than 10 percent of all black americans are ever arrested in a given years), black and hispanic americans and other minority groups are victimized by disproportionate targeting and unfair treatment by police .
That innocent minority citizens are detained by the police on the street and in their car far more than whites.
Under the federal court consent decree,in the two years period from january 2000 to december 2002, 70 percent of the drivers stopped by the police were black while only 17.5 percent of overall drivers were black.
So it's an affront to all citizens when a minority defendant is treated unfairly by the police or by prosecutors or at sentencing, because of his race or ethnicity .
New York state division of criminal justice services concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants.
In the other hand , if a defendant has a lot of money, he can get away with a good lawyer.
Thirdly, everif a murderer in the united states can't escape the death penalty , in france the judge sentence him to twenty years.I must be admitted that if i'm black or poor or disabled, my trial has a lot of luck to be unfair.
To my mind, the should be stricter laws that will help stop discrimination.
On the whole, if the government only knew what people who felt the blunt of racism are going through, they would try harder to make better laws that will work.

Je vous en serai très très reconnaissant!
merci! Smile

Aide en Anglais 1/13 14/02/2007 à 17:16
Le jour ou j'arriverais à étaler 3 mots d'anlgais correctement... Mr. Green
Nan mais regardez moi sa , sa écrit un putain de texte, et apres sa demande de corriger les fautes.. oulalal encore faut t'il avoir le courage de le lire.. JE HAIS L'ANGLAIS ET JE COMPTE BIEN LE FAIRE SAVOIR mdrr !!
Non mais franchement.. réalise... MDR
Aide en Anglais 2/13 14/02/2007 à 17:19
pk tu ne va pas chercher un traducteur d'anglais sur le net mdr sa sera plus simple jpense Wink
Aide en Anglais 3/13 14/02/2007 à 17:20
amour_immortel > les traductions ne sont pas toujours correctes :/ dommage
Aide en Anglais 4/13 14/02/2007 à 17:24
po rave j'orai essayer MDR
Aide en Anglais 5/13 14/02/2007 à 17:40
malheuresement personne pour m'aider?? Sad Sad
Aide en Anglais 6/13 14/02/2007 à 17:47
moi , je li la
Aide en Anglais 7/13 14/02/2007 à 17:48
Il manque un point à la fin du premier paragraphe! Sifflote
Aide en Anglais 8/13 14/02/2007 à 17:48
thx!! Very Happy
Aide en Anglais 9/13 14/02/2007 à 17:49
sammyd >> Wink
Aide en Anglais 10/13 14/02/2007 à 17:50
dejà on dit pluto in my mind , in my point of view c'est pas le top
Aide en Anglais 11/13 14/02/2007 à 17:58
melodynelson >>> c'est noté! Merci

D'zutre sugestion? avez vous relevé d'autres fautes?
Aide en Anglais 12/13 14/02/2007 à 18:52
Firstly, the declaration of the rights of man (1789)"guarantees that" men were born and remain free and in rights"
In my mind , liberty, equality , poursuit of happiness and justice for all allow to live in security without discrimination.
These principles are indispensable for the democracy.
Nevertheless, we can't say "justice is the same for all".The law that supposedly protects us from discrimination isn't just worting for anybody. There are still so many people that are being discriminated.
On the one hand,even if the majority of crimes are not committed by minorities(indeed, less than 10 percent of all black americans are ever arrested in a given years), black, hispanic americans and other minority groups are victimized by disproportionate targeting and unfair treatment by police .
That innocent minority citizens are detained by the police on the street and in their car far more than whites.
Under the federal court consent decree,in the two years period from january 2000 to december 2002, 70 percent of the drivers stopped by the police were black while only 17.5 percent of overall drivers were black.
So it's an affront to all citizens when a minority defendant is treated unfairly by the police or by prosecutors or at sentencing, because of his race or ethnicity .
New York state division of criminal justice services concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants.
On the other hand , if a defendant has a lot of money, he can get away with a good lawyer.
Thirdly, even if a murderer in the United States can't escape the death penalty , in France the judge sentence him to twenty years.I must be admitted that if i'm black or poor or disabled, my trial has a lot of luck to be unfair.
They should have stricter laws that will help stop discrimination.
On the whole, if government only knew what people who felt the blunt of racism are going through, they would try harder to make better laws that will work.

voilà c'est à peu près bien corrigé
Aide en Anglais 13/13 14/02/2007 à 19:21
merci beaucoup!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy je t'en serai eternellement reconnaissante! Smile je te ferai parvenir ma note! mdr
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