Cecou42 |
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29/04/13 à 18:56 |
Etant nulle en anglais, et faisant un nombre innombrables de fautes, je me permet de vous demander un peu d'aide...
J'ai un thème pour le bac ''Myths and Heroes" et je vais parler de JFK. J'ai fais toutes les recherches necessaires a propos de ce sujet, mais en français. Ce qui donne:
Nous allons tracer le portrait du 35ème président des Etats unis, John F Kennedy. Né en mai 1917 JFK a enduré de nombreux épisodes médicaux tout au long de sa vie. En 1941 Kennedy entre dans la marine et participe a de diverses missions dont celle dans le pacifique sud. Cela lui aura valu le grade de lieutenant en temps que commandant du bateau PT109. Il reçoit plusieurs médailles pour son service militaire dont la médaille de la victoire de la seconde guerre mondiale. Après son retour de la guerre Kennedy envisage de devenir journaliste mais opte finalement pour la politique. En janvier 1960, Kennedy annonce son intention de courir a la présidence contre le républicain Richard Nixon. En septembre de la même année Kennedy et Nixon apparaissent dans le premier débat présidentiel télévisé de l'histoire des états unis. Cet événement a été majeur dans l'histoire de la politique et de la télévision et il était évident que ce nouveau média pourrait jouer un rôle majeur dans la politique nationale. Durant le débat Nixon apparaissait tendu, pâle et mal à l'aise alors que Kennedy semblait en bonne santé et détendu. C'est pour cette raison que la majorité des américains a conclu que Kennedy avait gagné. Vient le moi de novembre Kennedy bat Nixon dans une élection très serrée remportant 303 voies contre 219 pour Nixon. Kennedy était un orateur réputé et l'un de ses discours les plus célèbre fut au moment de son discours inaugural où il a dit « Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country ». Bien que son mandat en tant que président ait été court, Kennedy a néanmoins traité de nombreuses opérations. L'une de ses opérations majeure a été celle de la baie des cochons. JFK avait également joué un rôle dans le programme spatial.
Cependant Kennedy aura été assassiné avant meme de finir ses nombreux projets.
ça serait suuuuuper cool, si quelqu'un de doué en anglais, ou de bilingue pourrait m'y donné la traduction, car je trouve les sites de traducteurs pas très conformes parfois...
Merci beaucoup d'avance!
1/5 |
29/04/2013 à 19:19 |
Tu peux déja commencer à le traduire et ensuite on pourrait te proposer une correction, c'est trop facile sinon.
2/5 |
29/04/2013 à 19:27 |
Je l'ai fais, je voulais juste ensuite comparer avec le mien, car il y a pas mal de mots, ou d'expression que j'ai traduit littéralement!
We will paint a portrait of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Born in May 1917 JFK endured many medical episodes all throughout his life. In 1941 Kennedy entered the Navy and participated in various missions including one in the South Pacific. He is going to become the commander of the boat PT109. He received several medals for his military service like the medal of the victory of the Second World War. After returning from the war, Kennedy plans to become a journalist but he eventually opted for the policy. In January 1960, Kennedy announced his intention to run at the presidency against the Republican Richard Nixon. In September of the same year Kennedy and Nixon appear in the first televised presidential debate of the history of the united states. This event was important in the history of politics and television and it was obvious that this new media could play an important role in national politics. During the debate Nixon appeared tense, pale and uncomfortable while Kennedy appeared healthy and relaxed. It is for this reason that the majority of Americans concluded that Kennedy had won. On November Kennedy beat Nixon in a very close election winning ways against 303 and 219 for Nixon. Kennedy was a very good speaker and one of his most famous speech was at his inaugural speech when he said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Although his tenure as president was short, Kennedy nevertheless treated many operations. One of its major operations was that of the Bay of Pigs. JFK had also played a role in the space program.
But Kennedy has been assassinated before even finishing his projects.
3/5 |
30/04/2013 à 17:59 |
We ARE GOING TO paint a portrait of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Born in May 1917 JFK endured many medical episodes DURING IS WHOLE life. In 1941 Kennedy entered the Navy and ATTENDED various missions including one in the South Pacific. He'll become the commander of the boat PT109. He received several medals for his military services like the medal of the victory of the Second World War. After returning from the war, Kennedy plans to become a journalist but he eventually opted for the policy. In January 1960, Kennedy announced his intention to run at the presidency against the Republican Richard Nixon. In September of the same year Kennedy and Nixon appear in the first televised presidential debate of the history of the united states. This event was important in the history of politics and television and it was obvious that this new media could play an important role in national politics. During the debate Nixon appeared tense, pale and uncomfortable while Kennedy appeared healthy and relaxed. It is for this reason that the majority of Americans concluded that Kennedy had won. On November Kennedy beat Nixon in a very close election winning ways against 303 and 219 for Nixon. Kennedy was a very good speaker and one of his most famous speech was at his inaugural speech when he said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Although his tenure as president was short, Kennedy nevertheless treated many operations. One of its major operations was that of the Bay of Pigs. JFK had also played a role in the space program.
But Kennedy WAS ASSASSINATED before even finishing his projects.
4/5 |
03/05/2013 à 03:19 |
Je crois qu'il reste encore quelques erreurs ou tournures à mettre dans un anglais plus naturel
mais je pense que la simple bio de qqun que tu sembles considérer comme un héros ne suffise pas pour aborder le thème dans sa globalité.
5/5 |
03/05/2013 à 10:11 |
Cecou42 a écrit :
Je l'ai fais, je voulais juste ensuite comparer avec le mien, car il y a pas mal de mots, ou d'expression que j'ai traduit littéralement!
We will paint a portrait of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Born in May 1917 JFK endured many medical episodes all throughout his life. In 1941 Kennedy entered the Navy and participated in various missions including one in the South Pacific.Thanks to this He became the commander of the boat PT109. He received several medals for his military service like the medal of the victory of the Second World War. After returning from the war, Kennedy planned to become a journalist but he finally opted for the policy. In January 1960, Kennedy announced his intention to run at the presidency against the Republican Richard Nixon. In September of the same year Kennedy and Nixon appear in the first TV presidential debate of the history of the united states. This event was important in the history of politics and television and it was obvious that this new media could play an important role in national politics. During the debate Nixon appeared tense, pale and uncomfortable while Kennedy appeared healthy and relaxed. It is for this reason that the majority of Americans concluded that Kennedy had won. On November Kennedy beat Nixon in a very close election winning ways against 303 and 219 for Nixon. Kennedy was a very good speaker and one of his most famous speech was at his inaugural speech when he said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Although his tenure as president was short, Kennedy nevertheless treated many operations. One of its major operations was that of the Bay of Pigs. JFK had also played a role in the space program.
But Kennedy has been assassinated before even finishing his projects.
J'ai corrigé deux trois trucs qui, selon moi, me semblait pas terrible.
Après je suis pas d'accord avec Jobg pour la correction de la dernière phrase. Littéralement, y'a rien de faux, après disons que ça dépend comment elle entend la chose.