lydiana81   |
Aide anglais |
10 |
25/01/06 à 20:41 |
Je dois préparer une rédaction en anglais mais je ne sais pas comment commencer ! Il faut faire comme si on s'adresser à une personne à qui on raconter cette histoire! Donc il faudrait que quelqu'un m'aide pour le début .. Merçi pour votre aide
Aide anglais |
1/10 |
25/01/2006 à 20:42 |
Mais j'ai pas compris, l'histoire que tu dois raconter c'est quoi?
Aide anglais |
2/10 |
25/01/2006 à 20:46 |
ébé en fet il me fo juste un début style je m'adresse à des personnes car le texte jlai pa tro bien compri donc jvé me servir des phrases du cour pour faire ma rédac c juste kil me fo un commencemen!

tauré pa une idée?STP
Aide anglais |
3/10 |
25/01/2006 à 20:50 |
commence par ça
Aide anglais |
4/10 |
25/01/2006 à 20:50 |
Ensuite vérifies que ton stylo fonctionne bien
Aide anglais |
5/10 |
26/01/2006 à 01:42 |
sa depend de lhistoire ma grande ;)
Metons que técrit a quelqun commence par
Ex: Cher Mme. Lavette,
je mappelle (ton nom) et j'ai (15ans). Je suis étudiante a l'école (de-la-salle) blablabla...
En anglais:
Dear Mme, Lavette,
My name is (your name) and i'm (15) years old. I'm a student to the (de-la-salle) school. Bleuh bleuh bleuh...
Aide anglais |
6/10 |
26/01/2006 à 18:15 |
Aide anglais |
7/10 |
26/01/2006 à 18:53 |
luv.shadow76=> j'aime bien ta traduction de blablabla^^
Aide anglais |
8/10 |
26/01/2006 à 21:09 |
jvé vous marké ma rédaction et j'espère ke vous me diré si c juste ou pas!?
The story is about two children (margie and his brother Tommy). It took the place in 2157.So it is a science-fiction story.
Margie wrote that Tommy had found a real book.
When the dicovered they book they were surprised because they could turn the pages which were yellow and crinkly.
What's more, the words were still contrary to words keeping moving on the screen.
T(tommy) thought that books were thrown away after reading them.
The topic of the book is school.
M(margie) didn't understand why they wrote about school.
She fought it was uninteresting, boring, useless as she hated school.
The mechanical teacher must be a robot or a computer.
M.finds it ugly. It is large and black.
The children read the lessons on the screen and put the homework and tests into a slot.
The marks are given in no time. The writing was "punch code" that M. learnt at the age of six. The computer could fail at times as a result it had to be adjusted or repaired. The country inspector his main function consists of repairing the mechanical teacher. He adapts the program to the child's level.He could quicken or slox the lessons for the child to understand better. What's more he could be human us a matter of fact he patted the child's head for to find courage and comfort.
M.was disappointed because she would have liked the system to be broke down.
M.can't stand school.
The teacher was a man who didn't live in the house.
The kids went to "special buildings".
The kids were the same age; they learned the same things and weren't taught differently.
Parents supervised "scool attendance".
T. and Margie's mother took care of their schooling.
M. is interested in knowing more the old school system.
Merçi de me répondre et de me dire si ce ke j'ai marqué vous le comprené ou si c'est pas tro confus!
Aide anglais |
9/10 |
26/01/2006 à 21:16 |
t phrases sont un peu courte. ca fé juste sujet verbe, essaie de les faire plus longues, de les lier
Aide anglais |
10/10 |
26/01/2006 à 22:33 |
oué mé jy arive pa
ta pa d idée???