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18 ans ou plus

justine jtm   Anglais 10 Ce jour à 16:23

Alors voilà je dois écrire un texte en Anglais pour mon examen mais je suis nulle j'y arrive pas Sad donc j'ai fait un petit brouillon très court Sad

Si qqun saurait le lire et me le corriger ou me donner des idées de phrase pour qu'il soit plus complet ça me ferai vraiment plaisir Smile

Merci beaucoup Smile

During my summer Holiday, I went to Egypt with my family for a week. We had in a hotel. I taking the plane, it's the first time. The first day we visited the pyramids and all sorts of ancient monuments. It was brilliant. The following morning we went to the beach. Then we went diving in the Red Sea. Two days before returning to Belgium we had to a cruise on the Nile. That was tiring. On 20, August we came back to Belgium. I was impatient to see my friends again and also to go back to school.They were unforgettable holidays. I have met a lot of friends. They come from France, Belgium, Spain and England. In the hotel there was a swimming pool and two
slides. The afternoon, it is fun to play in the any activities organise.

Anglais 1/10 14/06/2014 à 16:30
During my summer Holidays, I went to Egypt with my family for a week. We stayed in a hotel. I took the plane for the first time. The first day, we visited the pyramids and all sorts of ancient monuments. It was brilliant. The following morning we went to the beach. Then we went diving in the Red Sea. Two days before returning to Belgium we had a cruise on the Nile. That was tiring. On the 20 of August we came back to Belgium. I was impatient to see my friends again and also to go back to school.They were unforgettable holidays. I have met a lot of friends. They came from France, Belgium, Spain and England. In the hotel there was a swimming pool and two
slides. The afternoon, it was fun to play in the any activities organise. wtf?

Correction en grosse bal, doit encore y avoir des petites fautes
Anglais 2/10 14/06/2014 à 16:37
Merci Smile et je voulais dire à la fin que c'est chouette de jouer aux différentes activités organisées par l'hotel Smile
Anglais 3/10 14/06/2014 à 16:39
The afternoon, it was fun to spend time with the many different activities organized by the hotel. Après tu vois y'a pleins de façons de le dire je pense
Anglais 4/10 14/06/2014 à 16:42
We had in a hotel. I taking the plane, it's the first time. = We went to the hotel. I took the plane, it was the first time ou I took the plane for the first time

we had to a cruise on the Nile = we did a cruise on the Nile

They were unforgettable holidays = it was an unforgettable vacation ou it was an unforgettable holidays

"there was a swimming pool and two slides" tu peux remplacer le and par with

The afternoon, it is fun to play in the any activities organise. = The afternoon, i enjoyed the activities organised

Voilà pour ce que j'ai vu Smile
Anglais 5/10 14/06/2014 à 16:42
Merci beaucoup parce que ça fait que deux ans que je fais de l'anglais et je dois faire un texte de 300 mots donc c'est pas facile Sad
Anglais 6/10 14/06/2014 à 16:44
During my summer Holidays, I went to Egypt with my family for a week. We stayed in a hotel. I took the plane for the first time. The first day, we visited the pyramids and all sorts of ancient monuments. It was brilliant. The following morning we went to the beach. Then we went diving in the Red Sea. Two days before returning to Belgium we had a cruise on the Nile. That was tiring. On the 20th of August we came back to Belgium. I was impatient to see my friends again and also to go back to school.That were some unforgettable holidays. I have met a lot of friends. They came from France, Belgium, Spain and England. At the hotel there was a swimming pool and two slides. The afternoon, I enjoyed playing and participating in the different activities organized by the hotel.

Par contre tu pourrais remettre les choses dans l'ordre et finir sur le fait que tu avais hâte de reprendre les cours
Anglais 7/10 14/06/2014 à 16:51
Merci et oui je vais retravailler le texte pour qu'il soit dans l'ordre Very Happy
Anglais 8/10 14/06/2014 à 17:04
Si je peux me permettre Smile

During my summer Holidays, I went to Egypt with my family for a week. We slept/went in a hotel. I took the plane for the first time. The first day we visited the pyramids and all sorts of old (plus approprié) monuments. It was goddamn fucking awesome (pour la fantaisie). The next morning we went to the beach. Then we dove in the Red Sea. Two days before returning to Belgium we had a cruise on the Nile. That was tiring. On the 20th of August we came back to Belgium. I was impatient to see my friends again and also to go back to school.Those holidays were unforgettable. I have met a lot of friends. They came from France, Belgium, Spain and England. In the hotel there was a swimming pool and two slides. On the afternoon, it is fun to play and do all the activities organized by the hotel.

Je suis pas tout à fait sur pour la dernière phrase
Anglais 9/10 14/06/2014 à 22:30
Je dirais pour la dernière phrase : "I have had great times taking part of the activities the hotel organized"
Et si on enlève la petite fantaisie "goddam' fuckin' " de Gustave H. (c'est pas bien, de profiter de la crédulité des âmes unilingues, mon cher Gustave, c'est pas bien ), son texte est - pour moi - le plus juste.
Ah, si, un p'tit truc : je virerais "impatient" qui pique un peu les oreilles (même si grammaticalement c'et juste), et je remplacerais par : "I could not wait to see…" etc etc…
Anglais 10/10 15/06/2014 à 09:36
Voilà j'ai fait les dernières modifications merci beaucoup vous me sauver mon année Very Happy
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