donc voilà, en se moment on travail sur les gangs de Los Angeles, et pour mardi on doit avoir quelques idées sur
"how to fight gangs?"
et sur
vos idées ?
anglais-gangs |
1/4 |
27/04/2008 à 15:30 |
shoot on gangsta
premier argument XD
anglais-gangs |
2/4 |
27/04/2008 à 15:31 |
putain la chance quoi...nous on a jamais fait ça...vous travaillez sur quoi en particulier? Crips?Bloods?MS13?
Je vais pécher dans mes petits archives et jpourrais t'aider sans problème
anglais-gangs |
3/4 |
27/04/2008 à 15:56 |
How to fight gangs?
Fight=inapropriate word.
-Get the kid's out of the streets, give them the possbility to grow up in a healthy environment (nearly impossible without adult awareness).
-Why gangs and why gang warfare? in the beginning because of discrimination and insecurity => LA has to make gang members feel at ease and integrated -> people outside of the gang environment has to be aware and ready to help. that implies global help.
Depends what is meant by backfire, ist it related to the mesures taken by the authorities or is it strictly gang-related?
In the first case, backfire ist 100% sure to happen:
-violence creates violence
-get hispanic (especially MS13 members from san salvador)back home is completely useless and dangerous => MS13 prisons are the best thing that can happen to a gang-member, that's because the prisons are ENTIRELY composed of MS13 members so the gang mentality is kept up and no progress is done + if they come back, they are stronger and more intelligent then when they left because the MS13-brains are in those prisons and teach the younger members everything (from robbery to torture) they "have to know to be a good gang-banger"
In the second case, it's logical, kill and get killed.
anglais-gangs |
4/4 |
27/04/2008 à 17:39 |
C'est interresant comme sujet
