analyse complete de pub en anglais 1ere |
10/12 |
17/01/2007 à 20:08 |
Franchement je vois pas trop ce que ta prof veux que vous fassiez! Analyser une pub comme ca à partir de rien c'est pas facile! J'avais du faire ca il y a quelques années, en français et on nous avait donné tout un questionnaire et une feuille qui disait tout ce qu'il fallait faire mais j"ai pas trop le temps de faire des fouilles dans mes cours d'avant maintenant
This advertizement divided in two parts. On the top, there is the image. The picture is supposed to catch people's attention. The colours are neither flashy, nor dark. The background is green and black and the little girl is mostly in white. Below, there is a text. This text should inform people when they've seen the image and stopped to look more attentively at the advertizement. Below, in the left part of the advzertizement, there is another picture. That one is more flashy and shows a woman killing animals to do a new coat and spattering everything with blood. The coulours are bright (purple, red, light blue and light green with a bit of yellow). The image is supposed to make children laugh so that they'll speak about it to their parents and remind them of the association. It shows too that PETA is not only a serious and austere association. The goals of the advertizement is clearly to stop animals ill-treating.
This advertizement is for both children and adults. The photo is very explicit. You see a little girl with her stuffed rabbit. We can also tell it is for children when we read the text below. The first sentence, "Your Mommy Kills Animals" refers to little children's language with the word 'mommy'. This way of calling their mother is characteristic of children up to 8-10. The rest of the text is more for adults. It explains what PETA does. This advertizement is a first contact with people. They put their website below the text so that if we are interested in knowing more about PETA, we can go on our own. The advertizement is clear and contains just the essential. It is instructive but it works like a shock. Someone sees it, spends about 20 seconds to read it and it remains in their head.
The image of the book is also intended to both children and parents. The children will laugh at the image of the woman peparing a new coat and spreading blood all over the place. The parents will see how PETA wants to inform their children.
Voilà, j'espère que c'est assez long et que c'est ce qu'il te faut

Hope it helps comme on dit lol