- Oui, ça fait deux fois en peu de temps que je poste dans cette partie. Et Alors ? =X -
/me tasse son orgueil dans un trou d'souris.
Je ne suis pas, à mon grand regret, bilingue. C'est pourquoi j'en fais appel à ceux qui le sont, ou encore à ceux qui maîtrisent cette merveilleuse langue qu'est l'Anglais.
En effet, j'aime jouer avec les phrases, les mots, autant en Français qu'en Anglais. C'est pourquoi, par moment, mes tournures virent rapidement à l'incompréhensible et dans un devoir, ça fait moyen moyen.
J'aurais donc besoin d'une âme charitable pour minimiser mes fautes dans le loooong texte qui suivra, sans tenir compte du contenu, juste des abominations commises niveau syntaxe, accords, orthographe, connecteurs logiques, expressions, toussa toussa...
Describe the three eras of our progressive discovery of Global Warming.
"I wonder what will happen ?". That's the name of the first era which began when Svante Arrhenius, a Swedich chemist, emited, the last century, the hypothesis that the increasing use of coal and oil (required "to power the Industrial Revolution") could, in the long run, liberate in the atmosphere a sufficient carbon dioxide rate to raise the Earth's temperature about nine degrees.
It was the time where, in the scientific sector, the awareness concerning the impacts of the industrialisation was barely sprouting. However, their doubts and foetus of questions all about that were, regardless, not enough alarming and evidenced to make people think about and take some preventive acts against this coming matter. It was too early.
Moreover, we had to wait the 1950s to verify Arrhenius' supposition with the first system of CO2 measurement whose the result revealed indeed its rightness.
Finally, "I wonder what will happen ?" ended in 1988 when a NASA scientist, James Hansen, informed officially, proofs on support, a congressional hearing "that the extra carbon was heating up the planet".
There began "Can this really be true ?", the second era of our progressive discovery of Global Warming. Hansen's declaration behaved as a kind of trigger. At last, scientists began leaning narrowly on the problem and "governments and universities poured more money and effort into investigating this question". Weather balloons and satellites were launched, computer models were refined, reports were issued etc... Those last reports "stated flatly" the rise of the temperature by human beings. At that time, the world was just one degree hotter but, according to the IPCC's forecasts, it could over raise of "three to ten degrees this century".
A larger part of the world sat out moving on climate change. Thus, "the Kyoto treaty to reduce greenhouse gases" was ratified by 144 countries out of 192. One of the 48 unwilling others was the U.S.A., which is also one of the countries whose the CO2 emition is the higher ("produce twenty percent of the planet's CO2")
To americans, the "wake-up call" was Katrina which caused a lot of damages much as human as material.
Owing to the warming of the soil and the sea, scientists realized that hurricans, whose the strength depends on the heat of the surface layers of the ocean, will be longer and stronger by fifty percent in the years to come. Those disasters also revealed, in parallel, the lacks of the american gorvernment, its incompetence and all the poverty in America. A veritable chaos.
To not help matters, satellites showed another alarming calamity : "the Arctic was melting in unprecedented ways". The danger was the following : thanks to the mirror effect of the ice, sun's rays were bounced into outer space, but, if the ice melts, the blue water, which "is like a giant sponge absorbing most of that solar heat" will make "the whole problem worse".
To sum up, it was necessary to go in a dramatic situation to really make people sit up and take notice. "I just believe that I see" could be another regrettable name for this era because it was not another era of predictions which could be repaired, but rather an era of alarming observations with an amount of time to act which "is smaller than we thought".
And today, "we are entering the "Oh Shit" era of global warming". The choice of "Oh Shit" for its designation could remind an expletive shrieking, a belated reaction before a catastrophic balance.
In reality, "all are in flux thanks to us", that means we can change for example "the progress of the seasons, the speed of the wind, the height of the oceans" and that's which is happening without knowing exactly the definitive outcomes.
Furthermore, "researchers suspect that the world also has some trap-doors" which could involve a "nasty chain reaction". For instance, the thaw of the Arctic may alter the salinity of the North Antlantic and, as a result, shut down the Gulf Stream, or, cold turkey, while a large part of Europe would "be getting very cold", "the rest of the world would heating up".
In fact, we are playing dangerously with the Nature and its limits, we are testing out it, ignoring the reactions of that "angry beast" which "we are poking at it with sticks".
The global warming is not a joke, a myth. Now, before it being too late, we have to do something, and break up our inactive and beatific behavior, exclaiming a weak "Oh Shit" which will never change the things. It's high time to consider our errors and limit the damage.
Ton cul vert est moche.
(Thank you very much, roh. --' )
Am Stram Gram.
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
1/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:45 |
Personne n'est bilingue. On ne parle pas anglais aussi bien qu'on ne parle le français même pour un prof.
By my english teacher.
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2/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:45 |
Poster dans Entraide n'est pas une honte -_-'
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3/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:47 |
Purity a écrit :
Personne n'est bilingue. On ne parle pas anglais aussi bien qu'on ne parle le français même pour un prof.
Je me permet de te contredire
Mais sinon pour le texte, lu en diagonale, pas trouvé la motiv' pour vérifier
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
4/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:47 |
Arvel : Non, tu as absolument raison, mais j'en ai pas l'habitude. =X
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
5/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:47 |
J'dois t'avouer que j'ai seulement survoler mais j'ai quand même vu un défaut : tes phrases sont BEAUCOUP trop longues !
Regarde rien que ton premier paragraphe : quatres lignes, que des virgules ..
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
6/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:47 |
mdr xD Et tu te dis pas bilingue ?
Bah dis donc.. je suis quoi moi alors ?
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7/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:48 |
Si c'est pas trop urgent je peux le donner a mon correspondant anglais...
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8/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:50 |
Ok tu t'accroches 5 minutes et j'te le fais.
Sois patiente =P
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9/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:51 |
Miss c0n_ass a écrit :
J'dois t'avouer que j'ai seulement survoler mais j'ai quand même vu un défaut : tes phrases sont BEAUCOUP trop longues !
Regarde rien que ton premier paragraphe : quatres lignes, que des virgules ..
Ah, euh, bah, euh... Huhu. ='D
Aval0n : C'est facile quand on a un bon dico à ses côtés, j'aurais jamais pondu ça avec mes acquis xD.
MISTER VODKA : Beh, c'est pour demain, quoi. =X Et puis, j'ai également un correspondant anglais, non-connecté, sinon, j'aurais pas posté ça là. x)
Achmed_D : \o/
Am Stram Gram.
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
10/16 |
12/05/2008 à 20:53 |
lol oké, mais moi, même avec un dico, j'pond rien dutout de bon !
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
11/16 |
12/05/2008 à 21:06 |
16 minutes.
Don't forget meeee. \o/
Am Stram Gram.
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
12/16 |
12/05/2008 à 21:09 |
Purity a écrit :
Personne n'est bilingue.
Si, moi j'le suis.
J'ai un meilleur accent que ma prof d'Anglais. (Bon on va dire qu'elle a un accent tellement à chier.)
Je lirais bien mais j'ai vraiment très mal à la tête, pardon.
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
13/16 |
12/05/2008 à 21:10 |
"I wonder what will happen ?". That's the name of the first era which began when Svante Arrhenius, a Swedich chemist, developed the hypothesis that the increasing use of coal and oil (required "to power the Industrial Revolution") could in the long run emite into the atmosphere enough carbon dioxide to raise the Earth's temperature of about nine degrees.
That was the time when the awareness concerning the impacts of the industrialisation was barely sprouting within the scientific sector,. However, their doubts and foetus of questions were not alarming and convincing enough to change people's behaviour and take some preventive acts against this coming matter. It was too early.
Moreover, we had to wait for the 1950s to verify Arrhenius' supposition with the first system of CO2 measurement, resulting in a concrete proof of his theory.
Finally, "I wonder what will happen ?" ended in 1988 when a NASA scientist, James Hansen, informed during an official congressional hearing "that the extra carbon was heating up the planet".
There began the "Can this really be true ?", the second era of our progressive discovery of Global Warming. Hansen's declaration acted as a kind of trigger. At last, scientists began discussing the problem and "governments and universities invested more money and effort into investigating this question". Weather balloons and satellites were launched, computer models were refined, reports were issued, etc.Those last reports "stated flatly" the rise of the temperature by human beings. At that time, the world was just one degree warmer but according to the IPCC's forecasts it could increase by another "three to ten degrees this century".
A larger part of the world was now concerned about Global Warming. Thus, "the Kyoto treaty to reduce greenhouse gases" was ratified by 144 countries out of 192. One of the 48 unwilling others was the U.S.A., which is also one of the countries which has the highest rate of CO2 emission. ("produce twenty percent of the planet's CO2")
To americans, the "wake-up call" was Katrina which caused a lot of damages, both human and material.
(Owing to the warming of the soil and the sea? --> J'ai pas compris la phrase), scientists realized that hurricanes, which regulate their strenght and speed according to sea and land temperature, would now see their size and speed increase by fifty percent in the years to come. Those disasters also revealed, in parallel, the lacks of the american gorvernment, its incompetence and all the poverty in America. A real chaos.
Worsening already bad predictions, satellites showed another alarming calamity : "the Arctic was melting in unprecedented ways". The danger was the following : because of the mirror effect of the ice, the suns' rays were bounced into outer space, but sociologists have proved that if the ice melts the blue water which "is like a giant sponge absorbing most of that solar heat" will make "the whole problem worse".
To sum up, it was necessary to dramatize the problem in order to really make people sit up and take notice. "I only believe what I see" could be another regrettable name for this era because it was not another era of predictions which could be repaired, but rather an era of alarming observations with an amount of time to act which "is smaller than we thought".
Today, "we are entering the "Oh Shit" era of global warming". The choice of "Oh Shit" for its designation could remind an explicit shrieking, a belated reaction before a catastrophic balance.
In reality, "all are in flux thanks to us", which means we can change for example "the progress of the seasons, the speed of the wind, the height of the oceans", basically describing what is happening without knowing exactly the definitive outcomes.
Furthermore, "researchers suspect that the world also has some trap-doors" which could involve a "nasty chain reaction". For instance, the thaw of the Arctic may alter the salinity of the North Antlantic and, as a result, shut down the Gulf Stream, or, cold turkey, while a large part of Europe would "be getting very cold", "the rest of the world would heating up".
In fact, we are playing dangerously with the Nature and its limits, we are testing it, ignoring the reactions of that "angry beast" which "we are poking at with sticks".
The global warming is not a joke nor a myth. Now, before it is too late, we have to do something, and break up our inactive and beatific behavior, exclaiming a weak "Oh Shit" which will never change the things. It's time now to consider our errors and limit the damage.
Voilà j'ai fait de mon mieux xD
De manière générale, c'est très bien écrit, mais les virgules sont beaucoup trop nombreuses. Elles sont très rares en Anglais.
Pour la garantie, j'suis dans un lycée Anglais =P
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14/16 |
12/05/2008 à 21:15 |
Par manque de temps je me suis arrétée à la fin du troisième paragraphe. Ca a l'air relativement bien, effectivement les phrases sont peut-être un peu longues mais ça reste compréhensible.
J'ai vu une petite faute (il me semble), au début de ton deuxième paragraphe, ce n'est pas "It was the time where" mais "It was the time when" (enfin, je crois).
Pour ce qui est de ta phrase " the first system of CO2 measurement whose the result revealed indeed its rightness. " je l'aurais simplifiée en " the first system of CO2 measurement revealed indeed its rightness."
Ensuite, au début j'aurais plutôt mis "scientist" que "chemist" qui me fait surtout penser à un pharmacien même si ça veut aussi dire un chimiste... Faut voir lequel est le plus couramment utilisé.
Désolée de pas plus t'aider mais honnetement je ne pense pas que tu aies de soucis à te faire !
Edit : Achmed_D a l'air d'avoir tout dit ^^
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
15/16 |
12/05/2008 à 21:21 |
Merci à vous deuuuux.
Am Stram Gram.
Need some help to correct my English. o/ |
16/16 |
12/05/2008 à 21:23 |
Mais de rien =]
J'avais mon Bac d'Anglais ce matin, du coup j'étais motivé pour une tite dissert suicide =P
Bref en tout cas bon boulot =]