a l'aide j'ai un devoir d'anglais... |
5/11 |
27/01/2005 à 20:05 |
je vais tenté mai bon g vraimen pa de mémoire et bon jui pa tro motivé en anglais!
voila un petit extrait de ce ke jdoi apprendre et ce n'est meme pa la moitié!
merci de m'aider!
Davis is in year 11.
He got bad results in year long.
He decided to contact a Mnemonics association before his GCSE’s exams
Operator :Mnemonics Association
David : hello! David Seagle .I’d like to talk a memory expert please.
Operator :Hold on ,I’ll put you through
Expert : Jim Dawson. How can I help?
David : Hi my name’s David .I did the memory test and I got a very bad score. I was
wondering if you could give me some useful tips before my GCSE’s next month
Expert : Next month! Mmm…That’s what I’d call an emergency.

embarrassed laugh)
Expert :First of all ,I need to know how you memorize things.

just learn them…
Expert :Yes, OK, but say you had a huge geography chapter to learn before a test, how would you go about it?
David :Well, first I’d put on my favourite CD, cos I can’t work without music…and time
Passes more quickly with a bit of music, you see.

David :and then I’d probably read the damn chapter over again until it sank in,I mean until
It sank in , I mean until I could remember it.
Expert :yes, and when would you do that?
David :just before the test of course…or I’d forget it again…
Expert : you badly need to change your strategy David…
David :Seeing my school results, I’m not surprised…
Expert :Memorizing a whole chapter all in one go is not effective , it hardly ever works ,