Bonsoir ! J'avais un dialogue à faire, je voudrais savoir si j'ai fais beaucoup d'erreurs.
Voilà merci d'avance 
- Hi !
- Hello !
- well, who are you ?
- My name is mark ! i'm twenty five years old, I live in beverly hills, and my job is actor.
- Did you know the victim ?
- Just to name, Mr cannonball was a renowned movie producer.
- Why and when were you in this agency of production ?
- i had an appointment on friday at fourteen o'clock with him for a role in his new movie.
- So mark, what did you do at the time of the murder ?
- heuuuuu….
- i want a reply now ! explain you !
- i was ...behind the door of producer's office.
- Did you hear a strange noise ?
- yes, the producer shouted a threat in his office.
- according to you, who was with him ?
- I don't know, i think it was a voice of man.
- it's strange ! all employees say that were was nobody in his office before you.
-but.. i don't understand…
- stop speaking ! listen to me ! From now on you are my suspect number 1.
- i swear you that i don't lie ! i'm going to tell you everything !
- all right ! i listen to you !
- i heard a gunshot so i rushed in the desk and i saw the producer on his chair, who was viewing a movie.
- and..
- i swinged producer's chair round, the man was dead !
- how you felt you ?
- I was panic stricken ! because there were some blood everywhere !
- and where was the murderer ?
-I don't know, he was on the run !
- And did you have speak with the main witness Miss shark ?
-No, just a little because she was in tears.
- did she try to run away ?
- no, she hid in the cupboard.
- Can you explain me why your prints were found on the victim's pullover ?
- i touched the man to see if his pulse still beats !
Did you have nothing more to add? can you think of anything else which needs adding? ( j'hésite avec les deux questions)
- The only thing that I noticed it's footprints on the floor !
- ok that will be all for today !
- goodbye !
- bye
Dialogue en anglais |
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07/12/2010 à 21:35 |
y a quelues fautes mais c'est plutot pas mal
Dialogue en anglais |
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07/12/2010 à 21:44 |
Je te l'ai corrigé à ma façon :
Hi !
- Hello !
- well, who are you ? (Could you introduce yourself please? me paraît plus adapté )
- My name is mark ! i'm twenty five years old, I live in beverly hills, and my job is actor.(I'm an actor sa sonne mieux)
- Did you know the victim ?
- Just to name(c'est assez casse gueule là! tu devrais plus dire "not so much, i just know that Mr cannonball was a renowned movie producer".
- Why and when were you in this agency of production ? (je comprend pas trop ce que tu veux dire)
- i had an appointment on friday at fourteen o'clock with him for a role in his new movie.
- So mark, what did you do at the time of the murder ?
- heuuuuu….
- i want a reply now ! explain you !
- i was ...behind the door of producer's office.
- Did you hear a strange noise ? ("did you hear something" ou encore "did you hear some stange noise"
- yes, the producer shouted a threat in his office.
- according to you, who was with him ?
- I don't know, i think it was a voice of man. ("it was a male voice")
- it's strange ! all employees say that were was nobody in his office before you.("there was nobody")
-but.. i don't understand…
- stop speaking ! listen to me ! From now on you are my suspect number 1.(le "on" je vois pas l'intérêt)
- i swear you that i don't lie ! i'm going to tell you everything ! (pas utile le "you")
- all right ! i listen to you ! (i'm listenning you " me semble mieux)
- i heard a gunshot so i rushed in the desk and i saw the producer on his chair, who was viewing a movie.
- and..
- i swinged producer's chair round, the man was dead !
- how you felt you ?
- I was panic stricken ! because there were some blood everywhere !(le "some n'est pas utile a mon avis)
- and where was the murderer ?
-I don't know, he was on the run !
- And did you have speak with the main witness Miss shark ?
-No, just a little because she was in tears.
- did she try to run away ?
- no, she hid in the cupboard.
- Can you explain me why your prints were found on the victim's pullover ?
- i touched the man to see if his pulse still beats !
Did you have nothing more to add? can you think of anything else which needs adding? ( j'hésite avec les deux questions) ("do they have something else i should know?" c'est mieux )
- The only thing that I noticed it's footprints on the floor ! (i've noticed)
- ok that will be all for today ! (that's all for now)
- goodbye !
- bye
C'est entre parenthèse, après je garantis pas que c'est juste.
En espérant t'avoir aidé
Dialogue en anglais |
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07/12/2010 à 21:50 |
merci beaucoup
Dialogue en anglais |
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08/12/2010 à 01:17 |
comme Wild_Rover, je dirai
- Could you introduce yourself please?
- My name is mark ! i'm twenty five years old, I live in beverly hills, and I'm an actor.
c'est vrai aussi que "juste de nom" (je suppose que c'est ce que tu voulais dire) est typiquement français et qu'il est préférable de dire "pas vraiment" (not so much) ou "pas personnellement" (quand on connait de nom, c'est qu'on a entendu parlé.. donc tu peux même omettre ce bout de phrase et mettre directement : "i just know that Mr cannonball was a renowned movie producer".)
par contre, au lieu de "Why and when were you in this agency of production ?" j'aurais préféré "When did you go to the agency and for what purpose?"
aussi "So mark, what did you do at the time of the murder ?" me semble malheureux.. je suppose que tu traduis "que faisiez vous à l'heure du crime ?" or "faisiez = étiez entrain de faire" ! n'oublies pas qu'on distingue la forme progressive et la forme d'habitude quasiment à tout temps.. donc "Ok Mark, wath was you doing.."
à part ça, je n'aime pas "à l'heure du crime".. c'est normalement plus précis (jour, heure, entre telles minutes et telles autres) et si tout le monde sait de quoi on parle alors "à cette heure-là", mais plus souvent "à l'heure du crime = pendant que le crime avait lieu" (ou quand la victime était entrain de mourir/trépasser voir quand on la tuait/assasinait) bref.
"i want a reply now ! explain you !" serait pas plutôt "I want/need an answer now! Explain" (pour la seconde partie, on ne lui demande pas d'expliquer le meurtre puisqu'il n'est pas encore accusé.. "expliquez-vous" serait plutôt "racontez/dites-nous ce qui s'est passé" ; so "what happened?" est mieux je trouve)
"Did you hear a strange noise ?" : à un interrogatoire on ne met pas les réponses dans la bouche du suspect =D "avez-vous entendu des bruits étranges ?" c'est l'aider à inventer quelque-chose.. en plus ça fait pas pro si le flic ne reste pas neutre et c'est dangereux devant le tribunal s'il a soufflé ou incité les aveux au lieu de les recueillir.. préfères quelque chose comme "So, what did you hear or see?" ;)
"I don't know, i think it was a voice of man." attention.. en français quand tu dis "une voix d'homme", d'homme est utilisé comme un adjectif (que tu peux remplacer par "masculine"..) il faut lui conserver ce rôle, et comme tout adjectif en anglais, le placer avant le nom : "it was a male voice"..
par contre si tu pensais à "la voix d'un homme" (de quelqu'un identifié comme étant un mec quoi) alors tu as des problèmes d'article : "it was the voice of a man"
pas le temps de lire tout le reste, mais dans l'ensemble ça a l'air bien ;) et t'inquiètes pas pour mes petites remarques.
Dialogue en anglais |
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08/12/2010 à 09:12 |
J'ai juste vu quelques fautes qui n'ont pas été corrigé mais dans l'ensemble c'est pas mal
How you felt you => How did you feel ? ( Mot interrogatif + auxiliaire + sujet + Base verbale ) ma prof de 5e nous rabâchait constamment ça durant ses cours x) à force on ne l'oublie plus!
- And
did you have speak with the main witness Miss shark ? => Did you speak ou have you spoken
- Can you explain me why your prints were found on the victim's pullover ? => Can you explain TO me ( explain est toujours suivi de to comme listen x) )
- i touched the man to see if his pulse still beats ! => " Beat " doit être au passé alors soit tu mets beat soit tu mets if his pulse was still beating je ne sais pas lequel convient le mieux mais j'opte pour le passé progressif.
Did you have nothing more to add? can you think of anything else which needs adding? ( j'hésite avec les deux questions) ("do they have something else i should know?" c'est mieux ) => par contre pour celle-ci j'aurais tendance à dire :
" Are there something else I should know ? " après je ne suis pas sûre x).
Voilà pour les fautes que j'ai vu, je ne te garantis pas que tout soit juste après x)
Dialogue en anglais |
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08/12/2010 à 14:16 |
J'ai pas regardé ce que les autres avaient corrigés et puis j'ai la flemme de corriger toutes les fautes Haha
Mais y'a juste le fourteen o'clock qui me démange, mieux vaut dire 2pm.