LessThanZero   |
Fleeing |
31 |
04/11/08 à 01:41 |
I don't like this word. Fleeing.
It always sounded coward to me. Weak. I don't do weak. Running away would have certainly been more appropriate, but fleeing as a poetic tone, something I like.
I'm telling you, this is, as usual, gonna be very random.
I've always felt like fleeing.
Actually, I've always felt like I didn't belong here. Oh my dear friends I can already hear some of you humming Creep by Radiohead but it's ok. I guess.
Young, I used to think that maybe, I was some kind of alien. You know, like my UFO crashed somewhere and I got saved by a family. But I ain't superman. Just the kind of alien who's been searching his soul and hasn't found it yet.
My point is, this feeling is exacerbating with time.
I have this strange habit of staring at people in the tramway, subway or whatever. In the morning, people just look sleepy. But when the night comes, oh my brothers, they just look like nothing. Like they've been through a harassing day and they just don't live anymore. I don't want to be a part of this mess.
Disappear here. It would be so easy, you know. I mean, not fleeing by dying, of course, that would suck.
But fleeing to start over. I'm gently coming to my point. Starting over is coward right?
Is it ok to leave everyone behind? All the people who care about you.
Care. I've never been able to care about anything. Like, if I care about something, it's just something to worry about.
Something that will haunt you everyday.
University, family, friends, relationships. I've never been able to find my real place.
Anyway, this is real tragedy you know.
What the hell am i doing here?
I mean, I feel this freaking way everyday. Sad.
Just, watching the sky and looking at those planes that go to unknown places. Walking through the train station and hearing that lame voice anouncing destinations.
This would be so convenient. So fine. Nothing to worry about, nothing to think about. Not even where you're going. Feeling safe. Again. some of you will tell me I have to learn about life. Already did, but thanks for the advice.
I pretty much lost my point, so I'll be clear and ask you those simple quetsions?
Is it ok to flee? Isn't it coward toward the people who care about you?
Do you feel the same way?
PS: You're way cheaper than a shrink, so no need to wonder why I'm telling you this.
peace out.
Fleeing |
1/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:43 |
Fleeing |
2/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:43 |
Fleeing |
3/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:44 |
mokaiii !!
Fleeing |
4/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:45 |
Come on, you could ask yourself this kind of question.
Fleeing |
5/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:46 |
me sonnait toujours le lâche. Faible. Je ne fais pas faible. L'évasion aurait certainement été plus appropriée, mais s'enfuyant comme un ton poétique, quelque chose que j'aime.
Je vous dis, cela, va comme d'habitude être très aléatoire.
J'avais toujours envie de m'enfuir.
En réalité, j'avais toujours envie de(je ressemblais toujours à) je n'ai pas appartenu ici. Oh mes chers amis je peux déjà entendre certains d'entre vous le bourdonnement Rampent par Radiohead mais c'est ok. Je devine.
Jeune, j'ai
traducteur heuu je croi pa que ces bon
Fleeing |
6/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:46 |
j'ai peut être 18 de moyenne en anglais mais j'ai pas tout capté du texte...
Fleeing |
7/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:46 |
Je n'aime pas ce mot. S'enfuyant.
Fleeing |
8/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:48 |
You should work on your english.
All of you, this might help in your future.
Fleeing |
9/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:49 |
LessThanZero a écrit :
You should work on your english.
All of you, this might help in your future.
i should go to bed...
Fleeing |
10/31 |
04/11/2008 à 01:51 |
Anyone understanding?
Fleeing |
11/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:00 |
Have you ever read "Speak"? It's the kind of book you would like.
Well, I feel pretty contemptous toward fleeing. It's such a coward thing, it could win an award you know.
But... I totally understand how you're feeling. Just don't give up, hold on and you'll realize that you are the one to make the difference.
Am I being understood?
Fleeing |
12/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:04 |
Yes you are.
I just feel like I don't have any reason to fight the feeling that there's nothing here for me.
Fleeing |
13/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:09 |
Actually, is the fact that persons are caring about you the real problem or is it how much you care about them. If you need to start over and if you feel like it won't hurt you or hurt anyone you do care about... then just do it.
Fleeing |
14/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:09 |
The future might become something interesting enough to fight for. Who knows? That's what permits me to survive right now.
Fleeing |
15/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:09 |
I think I understand what you feel.
For my part, I feel the same thing still it's a bit different, we know both of us that there is a whole core of people that don't really live (live impassioned i mean) : They are "common" they studied, find a job, get married and that's all, it's like their education forbid them to dream of anything beyond the standard reality and the shapes of the humane society.. Personally, I'm still trying to find what will make me really happy, it's like this world is not suited for me, lacking for journey, action adventures..
It's not a coward stuff to flee, when you set up your mind and you know that it's what your heart wants, but you really need to ask yourself : What you want to do in your life?
I also thought at one moment of my life that I know pretty well the things about life and people, but everyday it amaze me we'll never stop learning from life,
Last words, there is a simple rule in the life of every people : Seek the happiness and find what suits you, it's the key whatever people time, ethic, it's some kind of human instinct, even though we like to think we are big intellectual brains, this noun "happiness" sum up our lives pretty well.
Sorry for the mistakes and the language. Bye
Fleeing |
16/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:17 |
I already gave up on happiness man.
Fleeing |
17/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:22 |
LessThanZero a écrit :
I already gave up on happiness man.
Hahaha. As if you could.
Fleeing |
18/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:25 |
So you let the world you're trying to avoid kill you on the guillotine of main street, and each of us, as human beings will don't care about it, and all the pains you wished to alleviate will have you down, at the same moment you thought you find the good choice. If you already gave up on happiness all that remains you is to think and complain doing nothing to resolve your problem. (Still I don't know the why and how, so I say this at my point of view)
Fleeing |
19/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:33 |
There's no guillotine on main street, but anyway.
My vision of happiness is not the same as you all.
I don't wanna take this path. The path everyone did.
The one everyone talks about, the one where people find a job, have a dog and two kids, a beautiful wife and a house on the coast.
I can't picture happiness. I'm not seeking it cause I just cant scale it.
I can't replace it in this world cause I feel fake.
I feel like I've been fed with illusions. I feel like like nothing is real, nothing matters.
Not anymore.
And the rewind button's broken on my video.
There's nothing to seek.
I know, the basic objection to my kind of argument is "Then, what? What are you living for?"
Nothing. That's why I'm asking you, oh my judges.
Because I feel like I'm the only one not finding that stuff called happiness. every kind of happiness sounds selfish or un-reachable.
There's no happiness.
No kidding. Except if you just forget everything around you. The pain, the mutters, the cries and you live for yourself.
Fleeing |
20/31 |
04/11/2008 à 02:40 |
The road that leads to happiness is long. Very long. Very very long.
Well okay, I'm done with the humour.
Seriously, you shouldn't care that much about happiness or how to find happiness, weather it exists or not, you should better focus on your hobbies, your passions. These are more important than happiness itself. Well, at least these are reachable, and less abstract than happinness. ; )