forbidden to speak french

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le blon du 44   forbidden to speak french 492 01/07/07 à 23:37

Coucou here you are allowed to talk about everything: love Amoureux ! (single persons???) relationships, friendships Faire la biz anything else ...

But there's just a requirement: to speak english Exclamation

Those speaking french Arrow less 1 popularity point Sad
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Evil or Very Mad Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's pointsTwisted Evil

Verre have fun Verre

-1PP for me (L0rDs)

Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.


forbidden to speak french 101/492 02/07/2007 à 12:17
no comprende este topic
forbidden to speak french 102/492 02/07/2007 à 14:36
Norel ==> bah oui !
forbidden to speak french 103/492 02/07/2007 à 15:16
Hey everyone!!
If people think that this topic is unuseful or anything, no one is making him stay in this topic!! I mean, you don't have to go in a topic yopu don't like!! Even if a "only english topic" is weird Mr. Green Mr. Green
forbidden to speak french 104/492 02/07/2007 à 15:18
It's Stupid ! Innocent
forbidden to speak french 105/492 02/07/2007 à 15:19
What's stupid?
forbidden to speak french 106/492 02/07/2007 à 15:21
Yeux qui tournent
forbidden to speak french 107/492 02/07/2007 à 15:21
letty17--> why weird???

hello everybody... Coucou
forbidden to speak french 108/492 02/07/2007 à 15:22
its veurui harde tou spique ingliche
forbidden to speak french 109/492 02/07/2007 à 15:22
Hi Innocent
forbidden to speak french 110/492 02/07/2007 à 15:24
magickeys a écrit :
its veurui harde tou spique ingliche

Rolling Eyes
forbidden to speak french 111/492 02/07/2007 à 15:25
it's very hard to speak english Smile Jap
forbidden to speak french 112/492 02/07/2007 à 15:27
what will you do today???
forbidden to speak french 113/492 02/07/2007 à 15:28
nOthing. Star
forbidden to speak french 114/492 02/07/2007 à 15:32
Nothing and you? Innocent
forbidden to speak french 115/492 02/07/2007 à 15:32
magickeys a écrit :
its veurui harde tou spique ingliche
And to spell english!!! lol
I think it's kind of weird to speak english on a french website but i dont mind ( i speak english).
forbidden to speak french 116/492 02/07/2007 à 15:37
I have to wash my sundeck (with karsher) and mum's car!!!
forbidden to speak french 117/492 02/07/2007 à 15:38
Good Innocent
forbidden to speak french 118/492 02/07/2007 à 15:39
I love you Yann !!! Innocent

forbidden to speak french 119/492 02/07/2007 à 15:39
who's Yann???
forbidden to speak french 120/492 02/07/2007 à 15:41
My ass. :b
(Who thought that bad humour wasn't universal?)
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