Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Behemoth, Morbid Angel, Death, Dissection, Slayer, Sepultura, Naglfar, Ensiferum, Black Sabbath, Kalmah, Nile, Megadeth, Devourment, Cannibal Corpse, Origin, Immortal, Mayhem, Dark Tranquility, Arch enemy, Soilwork, Children Of Bodom, Testament, Marduk, Aes Dana, Ensiferum
AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, The Who, Rolling Stones, Van Halen, Kiss, Def Leppard, Queensrÿche, KIng Crimson, Rush, Pink Floyd, Iron Butterfly
Aphex Twin, Wumpscut, Daft Punk, Chemical Brothers, Kraftwerk, VNV Nation, Suicide Commando, Massive Attack, Fat Boy Slim
Rancid, Sex Pistols, Bad religion, Agnostic Front, Ramones, Dead kennedys, Minor Threat, The Mistfits, Discharge, The Exploited

, j'ai juste tourné pour voir mes Cd lol, c'est en categorie: Metal en vrac, bon rock en vrac, electro/trip hop etc en vrac et puis punk.