As someone suggested in another topic, let's have a different topic for each language. As u've guessed, this is the one in English! I think we could begin by talking bout how we c our british & american friends, how we think they behave, what we like/ what we don't like about them and so on... Who's already been to England or the US? What did u think? Did u lik eit? Did u like THEM??
Let's speak english... |
1/27 |
31/08/2004 à 23:10 |
Yeah, greats idee
But, i never go to USA or Great Britain...
Let's speak english... |
2/27 |
01/09/2004 à 05:35 |
ive never been lord$! never mind i guess this can be a practice-area.
Ok, well here i am coming up with my life AGAIN haha...
Doesnt matter.. lol English is my first language and i know go to a french school. Most of my friends are like me... eurazn OR pure, and bilingual so french/english which ends up being frenglish when we talk with each other.
Ive been to Alaska, which is the only close place to the USA, and ive never been to England. Otherwise i have a pretty english environment so its k =)
Let's speak english... |
3/27 |
01/09/2004 à 10:56 |
I never go to the great britain but I've got a friend who went in this country.
she said London is so cool but expansive to.
britishes are nice, like us ( she thinks ); but someones aren't agree with us. They don't like FRance ( somebodies only !).
In USA, they're nice too. But when they know you're french => they're so racist .
Let's speak english... |
4/27 |
01/09/2004 à 11:15 |
uhhh really? i got to know americans and they are quite open-minded, as in they are curious and ask questions about how i live how's france etc etc... u shouldn't stereotype all these ppl cuz not all of them are like that
Let's speak english... |
5/27 |
01/09/2004 à 13:03 |
I hate England, USA too
Let's speak english... |
6/27 |
01/09/2004 à 13:59 |
so dont stay here man !
Let's speak english... |
7/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:01 |
I love English and it's the only language I speack, apart from French of course ... I only know to say a few things in German.
I'd never been in England or in the USA but I really want to, mainly in the USA, but I don't like plane and I'd never taken it :/
Let's speak english... |
8/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:03 |
you've never taken it??? gosh i've been all around asia, to europe and to canada
Let's speak english... |
9/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:13 |
Great-Britain is one of the greatest place I've ever been... Everything is so weird over there! It seems to be same as in France, but as soon as you look closer, you c this enormous gap between our two worlds... Eurazn, where d'u live right now? Excalibhur, what do u hate about England and the US? Cheers to all of you for letting this topic survive!
Let's speak english... |
10/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:19 |
hail to the survival of this topic haha, i live in hong kong.. as i have said previously.. lol all the different countries are different to france not only england... everything is different u just need to open you eyes
Let's speak english... |
11/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:44 |
waou ! i've openned my eyes ! and i see .. my computer
oh shit it's not funny i'll go out !
Let's speak english... |
12/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:46 |
Let's speak english... |
13/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:49 |
arf...should i laugh? never mind if u are so narrow minded to not understand what i am talking about... come to think of it.. i dont even understand what im saying never mind.. peace lol
Let's speak english... |
14/27 |
01/09/2004 à 14:57 |
I shut up.
Let's speak english... |
15/27 |
01/09/2004 à 15:06 |
you don't need to shut up
Let's speak english... |
16/27 |
01/09/2004 à 15:27 |
i know it was not funny but i wanted to test lol
Let's speak english... |
17/27 |
01/09/2004 à 15:38 |
I live in Florida and I know that the United States of America have a very bad reputation worldwide but I can confirm you that it is only the image which the American government gives. The Americans are very nice and sociable and on no account represent the image that the government can have looked. The Americans, in spite of what thinks the world, is a security country, in spite of the racist and the violence which reigns and which by the media look like 100 times worse than it is it really. Here, the patriotism is a value which is implanted to them of their birth and it is not rare to read on the bumpers of cars, America love it or Leave it. The only real problem of the American society is to want always more, the capitalism is very implanted in North America and makes that the Americans, Canadians, prefer to show their social class that their truth personality. The polluliton is so big that a lake on three is so polluted that it is dangerous for the human being to bathe. They exhausted quite the renewable resources of the territory and are near to destroy the other continents to be renewed. Texas pollutes 60 % of the planet and the world finds that normal that they say nothing. The wells of Petroleum of Texas are almost flat broke thus, only method of the government to resolve this problem, to attack Iraq. I seem to denigrate the United States of America a lot but, for the pollution, there is really a lot of work to be made to remedy it. On this, bye and do not make it to you, I always believe in the American dream in spite of the difficulties and the image which the American government can give to America
Let's speak english... |
18/27 |
01/09/2004 à 16:11 |

lol ça va il est suffisament grand je crois
Let's speak english... |
19/27 |
01/09/2004 à 16:14 |
Let's speak english... |
20/27 |
01/09/2004 à 17:26 |
on commence par u vrai mot qui est "présomptueux" et ça ce dit "Presumptuous" tout simplement