
Quel âge avez-vous ?

Moins de 18 ans

18 ans ou plus

grekaspagnola   traduction 6 28/05/07 à 15:01

jai deja traduit ca de lespagnol a langlais(je demande ca pour les forts en anglais)
si vous vouliez bien corriger mon texte.Merci a tous

My Hero

My heroe is a man who is seventy seven years old a transplantation of the heart
Since eighteen years and a good humour.he is my grandfather by the law of my mother.

He lose his father when he is eight years old,he has to work to help his family and to pay his studies.
My grandfather met my grandmother at his eighteen that comes of a rich family and she push him to continue studying to progress his position.
He gets married when he becomes twenty-eight years being already the auxiliary of the bank, he begins to construct buildings and he persists studying.
At his forty he arrives to be the director of the bank, building more and more and has four five children.
When he becomes the age of forty-six, he is on his third year of jurisprudence and he almost do his exam of English with the charges of five children.
His career is interrupting by a serie of infarcts that let him incompetent to continue working.

He is a hero for me because he was able without help to establish a splendid career and a great fortune.He could also pay the university studies for all his five children with a high level of life uppermost.

traduction 1/6 28/05/2007 à 15:05
alors la....y a trop de mots pour moi lol désolé
Very Happy

traduction 2/6 28/05/2007 à 15:07
c'est pas grave c'est pour ca que je demande aux gens qui sy connaisse un peu en anglais Wink
traduction 3/6 28/05/2007 à 16:36
My Hero

My hero is a man who is seventy-seven years old, who had a transplantation of the heart eighteen years ago and who’s got a good sense of humor. He is my grandfather on my mother’s side.

He lost his father when he was eight years old, he had to work to help his family and to pay his studies.
My grandfather met my grandmother at eighteen. She came of a rich family and she pushed him to continue studying to improve his position.
He got married when he became twenty-eight years old, being already the auxiliary of the bank, he began to construct buildings and he persisted studying.
At the age of forty he managed to be the director of the bank, building more and more and having four or five children.
When he was forty-six years old, he was on his third year of jurisprudence and he almost did his English exam with the charges of five children.
His career was interrupted by a series of infarcts that let him incompetent to continue working.

He is a hero to me because he was able to establish a splendid career and a great fortune without help. He could also pay academic studies for his five children with a high level of life uppermost.

Voilà euuh j'ai corrigé les quelques fautes que j'ai vues. Le seul truc c'est que parfois je voyais pas trop ce que tu avais voulu dire donc j'ai changé en fonction de ce que j'ai cru que tu voulais dire mais c'est peut-être faux donc relis quand même le texte... et euuh à la fin le "uppermost" je vois pas trop ce qu'il fait là... Rougi
Voilà j'espère que ca t'aidera Very Happy
traduction 4/6 28/05/2007 à 19:27
merciiiiiiiiiiii beaucoup jtadorrrrr
uppermost jai cherché ca vue tdire superieur jveux dire un niveua de vie superieur
sans problemes economiques quoi =luxe
o fet javais mis son parcours au present mais bon c meixu au passé
Wink merci encore Faire la biz Very Happy
traduction 5/6 28/05/2007 à 19:41
Ouais alors dans ce cas tu peux dire "a very high standard of living". En fait je suis pas sur que uppermost aille dans ce contexte... Dans les livres, les rares fois ou j'ai rencontré ce mot c'était toujours pour parler soit des branches d'un arbre, soit des étages d'un building mais jamais de quelque chose d'abstrait comme un niveau de vie...
traduction 6/6 28/05/2007 à 20:38
ah ok merci je change ca immediatement merci
je te revaudrai ca Wink Faire la biz
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