Bonsoir j'aurais voulus savoir, si ma brève histoire était écrite correctement, j'ai un doute sur pas mal de conjugaisons, et de temps..
when i was nine years old, at 5 o'clock i was at home with a friend.
we were watching tv quietly when we heard strange noises.
After we shut ourselves in my bedroom for to hide, few minutes later the noise stopped.
the house seemed empty, We held our breath but noises continued intensifying. we were terrified
Who was it ? Was it a thief ?
and move forward into the others rooms there was nobody
we dashed downstairs and we took in the living room a candelabra and a pan to defend, the noise came closer to more and more
suddenly the door of the garage opened, a wave of panic seized us…
fortunately for us, it was just my mother who had just returned ahead..
merci d'avance !
Traduction anglais |
1/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:01 |
Bon alors je suis pas sûre, mais je crois que c'est " We watched tv when we have heard noises". Sinon, globalement ça à l'air pas mal.
Traduction anglais |
2/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:03 |
HelloPeople a écrit :
Bon alors je suis pas sûre, mais je crois que c'est " We watched tv when we have heard noises". Sinon, globalement ça à l'air pas mal.
Non comme elle l'a écrit c'est bon

Le reste, ça me parait bon.
Traduction anglais |
3/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:13 |
I was nine years old. It was 5 o'clock, and I was at home with a friend.
We were watching tv quietly when we heard strange noises.
So, effraid, we shut ourselves in my bedroom to hide. But a few minutes later, the noise stopped.
The house seemed empty, We held our breath but noises started again and were (par contre, là, je ne suis pas sûre) intensifying. We were terrified.
Who was it ? Was it a thief ?
We moved forward into the others rooms. There was nobody.
We dashed downstairs and, in the living room, we took a candelabra and a pan to defend. The noise came closer to us, more and more.
Suddenly, the garage's door opened, a wave of panic seized us.
Fortunately, it was just my mother who had just returned ahead..
Traduction anglais |
4/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:16 |
Bon ben, l'anglais et moi ça fait deux.
Traduction anglais |
5/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:23 |
KIKOOLOL a balayé le plus important, juste :
effraid --> afraid
We moved forward into the others rooms. --> je comprends pas trop ce que tu veux dire, au début tu te caches puis finalement tu décides de la jouer aventurière?
"came closer to us, more and more" --> c'est un peu lourd, j'aurai mis "The noise became louder and louder"
garage door/garage's door ---> les deux se disent dans le contexte je pense
"returned ahead.." --> ahead of what?
Traduction anglais |
6/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:32 |
Je voulais dire qu'elle revient en avance de son travail
Traduction anglais |
7/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:36 |
got back home early plutôt non ?
Traduction anglais |
8/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:37 |
LivinginParis a écrit :
"came closer to us, more and more" --> c'est un peu lourd, j'aurai mis "The noise became louder and louder"
Ou juste "closer and closer"
Sinon c'est pas mal de base ;)
Même plutôt très bien pour quelqu'un de ton âge ;)
Traduction anglais |
9/12 |
20/01/2011 à 19:58 |
Est-ce que cette traduction est possible :
the noise became closer and closer loudly ?
Traduction anglais |
10/12 |
20/01/2011 à 20:01 |
Nan, je traduis ça "Le bruit devenait de plus en plus proche fortement".
"The noise got louder and louder", c'est bien.
Traduction anglais |
11/12 |
20/01/2011 à 20:18 |
d'accord ! merci beaucoup
Traduction anglais |
12/12 |
20/01/2011 à 21:02 |
One day, in the evening , when I was nine years old, I was at home with a friend.
we were watching tv quietly as we suddenly heard strange noises.
After we shut ourselves in my bedroom to hide ourselves, a few minutes later the noise stoped.
the house seemed empty, We held our breath but noises continued. we were terrified
What was that ? Was it a thief ?
We moved forward into the others rooms there was nobody
we dashed downstairs and we took in the living room a candelabra and a pan to defend, the noise came closer and closer.
suddenly the door of the garage opened, a wave of panic seized us…
fortunately , it was only my mother who had just returned ahead...
J'me suis permis de remanier certains passages maladroits, ça devrait être grammaticalement correct