Voila ce ke joré mi mé bon je sui pa sur de oim a 100% !!
Bone chance
According to the federal Office of the census (Census Office), New
York was populated by 8 008 278 inhabitants in 2000, that is to say a
density of 10 194 habitants/km². Census Bureau estimated that the
population of the city had progressed to 8 085 742 inhabitants in
2003. For the first time since the years 1910, the number of Jews
lying in the city passed below the million, to approximately 972 000
in 2002. Always according to data's of 2000, the average age was 34
years: 24% of the population had less than 18 years, 10% had from 10
to 24 years, 33% had from 25 to 44, 21% had from 45 to 64 and 12% had
more than 65 years. The distribution hommes/femmes (+18 years) was of
86 men for 100 women.