Most of you -which means people on this site- won't get the point of this entry.
I don't want you to get my point, I just want you to be aware that I have a point to make, and I'll make it in spite of your gangrene-ish ignorance (you can't even picture this).
I was born in 1990.
I've been kinda impressed by a novel of Bret Easton Ellis and I feel like talking about it.
Less Than Zero is for me one of the greatest novel in the world.
I know it's all about feeling, but still, reading this book is pretty much one of the best ideas my elitist brain ever had.
Anyway, we're here to talk about that damn-good book and what you have to learn from it.
Because I'm not as vain as some people here, I have the pretentious to say I get what Bret Easton Ellis means.
So yeah. Less Than Zero taught me about MTV generation.
Sociology must be a really interesting topic. So yeah, thanks to this author, i learnt about MTV generation.
You may ask in a nonchalant tone I can already hear: "What's your fucking point?!".
Well my point is that we're the next generation.
And with you my dear friends, I wanna work out what our generation is about.
Baby boomers had that faith in the world they were basically re-creating. They deeply believed in their abilities to start it all over. They knew they were able to do so. They tried their best.
To me, they failed. As hell.
MTV generation was just trying to catch a breath in that un-breathable air that had been made for them (clumsy).
And here we go. Generation Y or The New Silent generation.
We're actually just a group of people, born in the same years,sharing a vison of life, neutral human beings that have been branded -literally- by a common surrounding environment.
Anyway, that's all about us. We're born with the Internet. We're born with Natalie Imbruglia's songs on the radio when we were getting back from school.
We are the generation who played with the Super Nintendo and who cried when Mufasa died in the Lion King.
We are scared as hell by the future even though we always speculating about it. We see our life in 20 years and plan 7-years studies without knowing if we'll make it through.
We'll always remember what happened on the 11th of september, 2001.
The only wars we knew were almost fictional, or spacial
We all had a Tamagotchi and we all have a Pokemon game for the Game-boy we used to play with.
We were born in the 90's man.
And that's all we have. Because whatever pain we ever felt in our individual life, whoever we've lost in our family; it's been done. this is just déjà-vu. Except things that define us as a group. Except what defines our generation.
It's all about virtual stuff. We can't hide from anything. We can die from AIDS at 5 years old because our mother gave it to us. We have everywhere to be found. We can get whatever we want by clicking a little button from a computer doing everything for us.
We 're taking more risks than we can reasonably afford.
We are so fucking unstable and we don't need balance.
Less Than Zero was, in my own opinion, one of the saddest book of the world. Because it describes a lost generation that doesn't know what to rely on. A generation that can't count on anyone or anything. A generation painted with ignorance and careless behavior.
What's the point again?
Well, we should have learnt from their mistakes. But the fact is: we're just worse than it. We're a generation that's watching the sky, hoping for the best, when we clearly know that the sun won't shine as much as we wished it would have. Just a generation that has lost its hope when it realized things wouldn't work like in the movies it's been fed with.
A generation that's always asking more questions, when it can't find the answers for the most answerable ones.
We're silent and swallowing the pain when all we need to do is scream-out. (that sounds emo-shit)
How charming.
yeah; well. |
21/32 |
25/05/2008 à 01:54 |
You must be right on a certain point of view, even though I think the errors of the human kind nowadays will be the lesson of the future generation that will arise from it..
Don't forget the incredible power of the human in the area of surviving..
yeah; well. |
22/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:00 |
Le fait d'être défaitiste ne m'empêche pas de me battre pour ce que je crois, ni pour les choses en lesquelles j'ai foi.
Le fait que tout soit voué à l'irréalisation, l'innachèvement, est péssimiste, mais n'empêche pas d'y croire.
Je ne dis pas qu'on lutte contre un destin inéluctable, mais que tout est tellement joué d'avance, que ça n'est même plus grisant d'essayer.
Tout est tellement prévisible qu'on s'en ennuie, et on a plus envie d'essayer. C'est je pense une autre caractéristique de notre génération.
yeah; well. |
23/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:06 |
Well, the difference between this generation and the others one the people known previously, is that this is the era of the information, we know everything at the very early moment it comes up, we see thousand of people dying each day of the week on the daily news..
I think the main stuff that will boost this generation is up to their own passions and hobbies... it's up to live a life full of what you want it to be filled with..
Too many teens and youngsters want to do the same stuff, do what their parents (who are conformised by the information, the society) yell them to do (go find a job in a little entreprise, go marry a good girl, or a rich dude, have a house, have a car)
I think there is some kind of underground generation who profits about this generation to secretly do what they want, and to live a life of lust and pleasures...
But it's only an elite, the people don't want to fight this thing, they only want to be part of the elite as the people who succeeded in this world and therefore are only clones in comparison to each others..
It's so hard to fight a whole world...
yeah; well. |
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25/05/2008 à 02:15 |
crashing_down a écrit :
Le fait d'être défaitiste ne m'empêche pas de me battre pour ce que je crois, ni pour les choses en lesquelles j'ai foi.
Le fait que tout soit voué à l'irréalisation, l'innachèvement, est péssimiste, mais n'empêche pas d'y croire.
Je ne dis pas qu'on lutte contre un destin inéluctable, mais que tout est tellement joué d'avance, que ça n'est même plus grisant d'essayer.
Tout est tellement prévisible qu'on s'en ennuie, et on a plus envie d'essayer. C'est je pense une autre caractéristique de notre génération.
Là je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi sur les derniers points, tu te contredis, on ne voit pas tellement ce que tu veux dire...
Mais je ne pense pas que le monde de demain soit prévisible. On contraire. Moi, personnellement, je vois la vie comme un grand film. J'ai une boite de pop-corn juste à côté de moi, et je le savoure dans les bons comme dans les mauvais moments, car justement, on doit vivre avec.
Des fois, il suffit d'une balle dans la tête à quelqu'un, à un moment où tu ne t'y attend pas forcément, pour que tout change. Et c'est pas plus mal =)
edit : sur ce bonne nuit, il se fait tard.
yeah; well. |
25/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:17 |
That's vain to think that.
Hobbies and passions are so not what will make us who we are.
Our generation is ignorant and pretends to know everything. It's blinded by a violence it will never live.
We're so spoiled. We should have been gifted. We were made to do the best because what we've been through made us so perfectible that we were so close to succeed.
I swear I'm doing my best to imagine what it will be.
But we are so fated to undo the good that has been made.
I'm not the kind of guy who's pulled down by things. I'm stronger than that.
It's just so realistic. The world spins madly on, and people just don't realize it.
yeah; well. |
26/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:21 |
Well I was a bit like you about this those late years.. but I'm having faith in people in fact, I think they will soon now how they are betrayed.. it's not only a problem of generation, our governement the research the people will lead the world are the one who create those differents generation, they also have their responsibilities...
yeah; well. |
27/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:26 |
crashing_down a écrit :
That's vain to think that.
Hobbies and passions are so not what will make us who we are.
Our generation is ignorant and pretends to know everything. It's blinded by a violence it will never live.
We're so spoiled. We should have been gifted. We were made to do the best because what we've been through made us so perfectible that we were so close to succeed.
I swear I'm doing my best to imagine what it will be.
But we are so fated to undo the good that has been made.
I'm not the kind of guy who's pulled down by things. I'm stronger than that.
It's just so realistic. The world spins madly on, and people just don't realize it.
Lame !
Do you actually think the world will ba as shown in "Ideocracy" ?
Please. Stop the non-sense.
yeah; well. |
28/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:26 |
We create generations without knowing how-to.
It's not as i there was a "generations creating for Dummies" book in all Wallmarts.
People will survive this, of course they will. they're good at surviving.
But the individuality it will have taken to make it through would just have been the the straw that broke the camel's back.
Having faith in human race is like being fooled again and again.
Mistakes used to be a piece of what we were.
Now, mistakes are what we are.
We've been failed.
that's all. Period.
yeah; well. |
29/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:31 |
crashing_down a écrit :
We create generations without knowing how-to.
It's not as i there was a "generations creating for Dummies" book in all Wallmarts.
People will survive this, of course they will. they're good at surviving.
But the individuality it will have taken to make it through would just have been the the straw that broke the camel's back.
Having faith in human race is like being fooled again and again.
Mistakes used to be a piece of what we were.
Now, mistakes are what we are.
We've been failed.
that's all. Period.
Here's my laces, go hung yourself somewhere else.
I can't change your mind. thinking about it, "our generation" doens't have a mind...
How pathetic.
As if there is a possible way, or even a notion of "creating generations"... I'm not part of your generation.
I'm not part of the "I-live-on-an-island-lost-in-the-pacific-ocean-that's-why-whatever-happens-around-me-I-won't-be-able-to-do-anything-about-it-generation"
Life goes on. Chill out, have fun, get laid. Who cares ?
yeah; well. |
30/32 |
25/05/2008 à 02:32 |
Well, at least i believe in my faith
yeah; well. |
31/32 |
25/05/2008 à 09:55 |
Text approved.
yeah; well. |
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25/05/2008 à 10:38 |
pas tout compris