forbidden to speak french

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le blon du 44   forbidden to speak french 492 01/07/07 à 23:37

Coucou here you are allowed to talk about everything: love Amoureux ! (single persons???) relationships, friendships Faire la biz anything else ...

But there's just a requirement: to speak english Exclamation

Those speaking french Arrow less 1 popularity point Sad
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Evil or Very Mad Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's pointsTwisted Evil

Verre have fun Verre

-1PP for me (L0rDs)

Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.


forbidden to speak french 181/492 02/07/2007 à 21:24
Heey Lilzebee xD

are you in an european school ?
forbidden to speak french 182/492 02/07/2007 à 21:25
Dizzle Kid a écrit :
yeah 7 peeps arrested, i think one of them in Birmingham

Confused Hope it will stay calm now, glad that the car bomb didn't explosed
forbidden to speak french 183/492 02/07/2007 à 21:28
yeah, i used to be on the road in London, where the second car bomb was found, i used to be there everyday for 5 years
forbidden to speak french 184/492 02/07/2007 à 21:28
Wow , that's kinda freaky when you here it like that
forbidden to speak french 185/492 02/07/2007 à 21:30
yea but fortunately, those fuckers failed the plot (xcuse my language)
forbidden to speak french 186/492 02/07/2007 à 21:31
toxiic >> I do think so ! You (Dizzle Kid) must have been very shocked !
It's a relief that the bombs didn't explosed
forbidden to speak french 187/492 02/07/2007 à 21:33
Yeah that's what i said didn't i ?
forbidden to speak french 188/492 02/07/2007 à 21:35
Yes, this topic is a good idea, but many persons don't know speak english very good (like me x) ) But i love english, so I try =P [cool my life, I know ^^]
forbidden to speak french 189/492 02/07/2007 à 21:38
iint0xe >> it's when you continue trying that you get a better english xD
forbidden to speak french 190/492 02/07/2007 à 21:38
iintoxe >> This is the goal of this topic.
Even if some of us can't speak very well, we just have to keep trying.
Some may improve their english.
forbidden to speak french 191/492 02/07/2007 à 21:39
everyone should know how to speak proper english, its the number 1 language, french people have funny accents though MDR MDR no offence
forbidden to speak french 192/492 02/07/2007 à 21:41
I'm dutch so i haven't got this strange french accent,
everybody in my family say's it
french people just don't have the key thing for a perfect english
(not that i am the greatest ... at all )
forbidden to speak french 193/492 02/07/2007 à 21:43
Dizzle Kid >> Don't laugh at us, poor little french people.
I must confess that I woul have prefered to speak English. But I also love french, it's a beautiful language too.

I'm a bit disapointed cause when my father was young, he was almost bilingual but he lost his english after a while without speaking.
I could have been biligual -_-'
forbidden to speak french 194/492 02/07/2007 à 21:43
I've got a new boyfriend since saturday night, so I'm very happy! Sifflote
forbidden to speak french 195/492 02/07/2007 à 21:45
Candyboy >> Glad for you ;) What's his name (I'm a bit curious ! )
forbidden to speak french 196/492 02/07/2007 à 21:46
0o_cAnDybOy_o0 >> Happy for you , I'm just an eternal single Sad

I' bilingual, i speak fluently french and dutch,
a lot of english and a bit german Sifflote
forbidden to speak french 197/492 02/07/2007 à 21:46
toxiic and Lady shinigami, your english are spot on Bravo Bravo
forbidden to speak french 198/492 02/07/2007 à 21:49
Dizzle Kid a écrit :
toxiic and Lady shinigami, your english are spot on

haha thank you, I guess my efforts are succesful ^^ Faire la biz
forbidden to speak french 199/492 02/07/2007 à 21:51
Dizzle KId>> I thank you. I have worked a lot since I am 10 so I'm glad to see that it hasn't been pointless ^^
forbidden to speak french 200/492 02/07/2007 à 21:57
Oooh Cool!
I love to speak english.. but it is easier on the internet !
What do you want to talk about ?
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