forbidden to speak french

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Moins de 18 ans

18 ans ou plus

le blon du 44   forbidden to speak french 492 01/07/07 à 23:37

Coucou here you are allowed to talk about everything: love Amoureux ! (single persons???) relationships, friendships Faire la biz anything else ...

But there's just a requirement: to speak english Exclamation

Those speaking french Arrow less 1 popularity point Sad
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Evil or Very Mad Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's pointsTwisted Evil

Verre have fun Verre

-1PP for me (L0rDs)

Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.


forbidden to speak french 161/492 02/07/2007 à 19:43
I'm fine thx ! , I'm so bored .. and you ?
forbidden to speak french 162/492 02/07/2007 à 19:48
Too .. Neutral

He has got a mistake in his title .. Is forbide instead of "forbidden" don't you ? Yeux qui tournent
forbidden to speak french 163/492 02/07/2007 à 19:52
Bored ? Who plays chess ? =D
forbidden to speak french 164/492 02/07/2007 à 19:58
ffs / stfu / fu ... have fun & good luck Mr. Green
forbidden to speak french 165/492 02/07/2007 à 20:06
Beijing Kuaiche ---> nope!!! It's well "forbidden"

nobody tonight??? I'll get out (drama)
forbidden to speak french 166/492 02/07/2007 à 21:05
Im bumpin this thread, im bored, just got back from the gym, anyone wanna chat ?
forbidden to speak french 167/492 02/07/2007 à 21:10
Ouhhh , english Coeur Like that xD
Is there anybody to talk with here ?
forbidden to speak french 168/492 02/07/2007 à 21:13
yh im here !
forbidden to speak french 169/492 02/07/2007 à 21:13
Guess i'm all alone, i'm gonna talk to myself
maybe i'll answer also :p
forbidden to speak french 170/492 02/07/2007 à 21:13
Dizzle Kid > Ouh yeah, someone to talk with
what do we talk about ? xD
forbidden to speak french 171/492 02/07/2007 à 21:14
Not funny you live in england,
that's just to easy for you :p
forbidden to speak french 172/492 02/07/2007 à 21:15
I don't really know lol, im super tired, just been liftin weights, what u wanna talk about ?
forbidden to speak french 173/492 02/07/2007 à 21:15
Uhmm, how's life in rainy england ? :p
forbidden to speak french 174/492 02/07/2007 à 21:17
right now , the weather is wack, flooding in most towns, but its bit sunny in birmingham, but everyone is alert cos of the terrorist threats and all that..
forbidden to speak french 175/492 02/07/2007 à 21:20
Okayy, just liike here i guess
yeah I heard of the terrorist threats, there are some people been arrested right ?
was it close to birmingham ?
forbidden to speak french 176/492 02/07/2007 à 21:21
Hello guys !
I'm back ! Is le blon 44 here ? We started to talk yesterday.

Hello Toxiic, how are you ?

Dizzle Kid >> You're in England. You're so lucky (I think !)

forbidden to speak french 177/492 02/07/2007 à 21:22
Heey Lady Shinigami xD
i'm fiine thx 'nd you ??
forbidden to speak french 178/492 02/07/2007 à 21:23
I haven't seen le blon 44 so i guess he isn't here ^^
forbidden to speak french 179/492 02/07/2007 à 21:23
Hey everybody!

How aer you?

I love talk in english ('cause I'm in a special class: we speak in english during lessons) and I like all the english sopken countries.

See you later!
forbidden to speak french 180/492 02/07/2007 à 21:23
yeah 7 peeps arrested, i think one of them in Birmingham
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