forbidden to speak french

Quel âge avez-vous ?

Moins de 18 ans

18 ans ou plus

le blon du 44   forbidden to speak french 492 01/07/07 à 23:37

Coucou here you are allowed to talk about everything: love Amoureux ! (single persons???) relationships, friendships Faire la biz anything else ...

But there's just a requirement: to speak english Exclamation

Those speaking french Arrow less 1 popularity point Sad
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Evil or Very Mad Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's pointsTwisted Evil

Verre have fun Verre

-1PP for me (L0rDs)

Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.


forbidden to speak french 381/492 08/08/2007 à 00:02
Why can we not speak german???I love Germany..
forbidden to speak french 382/492 08/08/2007 à 02:06
Cuz we're not able to speak or understand it i guess XD
forbidden to speak french 383/492 08/08/2007 à 13:07
arf ich liebe Schweiz! Zurich, du bist wonderschon!! ^^
forbidden to speak french 384/492 14/08/2007 à 23:47
what's up tonight??? Oo by the way, anyone could me say what happened to my topic "cabinet de psychiatrie, bonjour"???
forbidden to speak french 385/492 15/08/2007 à 00:32
Great idea !
I love speaking english and I have to "speak" english everyday on my DeviantArt ^^
If someone is on DA tks to contact me ^^

Relationship : OFF ! I am single Sad
Friendship : They're all far away, but I've some news often

And Lady Shinigami : I like "Heroes" =) and I agree your post

Good Night everybody
forbidden to speak french 386/492 15/08/2007 à 01:05
arf seemed to be like this topic had been abandoned for a while...;)

anyhooo good to hear the english again;)

forbidden to speak french 387/492 15/08/2007 à 01:20
LuciLe_ --> you are cute however!!! good night ;)

Alphyx_0 --> you're right unfortunately!!!
forbidden to speak french 388/492 15/08/2007 à 01:26
hola every body
como estas

lol I'm better in english than in spanish
forbidden to speak french 389/492 15/08/2007 à 01:31
snif snif I think I'm alone in this topic
forbidden to speak french 390/492 15/08/2007 à 01:34
why??? got to ask to the other... I'll go to fall asleep!!! ;)
forbidden to speak french 391/492 15/08/2007 à 01:57
Oh my, our French sisters are speaking English Razz
forbidden to speak french 392/492 15/08/2007 à 01:57
Why not an english forum?
It could be fine ^^

forbidden to speak french 393/492 22/09/2007 à 22:11
Oo for the time we expected that...
forbidden to speak french 394/492 15/12/2007 à 22:29
good night everyone!!! anybody's here to talk with me?
forbidden to speak french 395/492 15/12/2007 à 22:33
Yes, I am ... But since when is your topic back ?
forbidden to speak french 396/492 15/12/2007 à 22:35
hey dude, 'sup?
forbidden to speak french 397/492 15/12/2007 à 22:38

It will be quite easy for me as I'm at university, second year where I study english and all that stuff.

( Okay, i'm telling about my life, who's interested in it ?)

( No one ? Okay. 'Go away)
forbidden to speak french 398/492 15/12/2007 à 22:40
You're in second year of university and you're only 17 ?

Do you really want us to believe you ?
forbidden to speak french 399/492 15/12/2007 à 22:56
naa what i think he's trying to say is that it's his second year of english but his first year at uni?

well actually could be possible for him to be in second year of're welcome mr.geek Wink

forbidden to speak french 400/492 15/12/2007 à 23:03
I am in a second year at university, and i'm ready to show you all my lessons and lectures as prooves of my veracity.

All in good time, i'm ready...and waitin' for you to ask me
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