forbidden to speak french

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Moins de 18 ans

18 ans ou plus

le blon du 44   forbidden to speak french 492 01/07/07 à 23:37

Coucou here you are allowed to talk about everything: love Amoureux ! (single persons???) relationships, friendships Faire la biz anything else ...

But there's just a requirement: to speak english Exclamation

Those speaking french Arrow less 1 popularity point Sad
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Evil or Very Mad Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's pointsTwisted Evil

Verre have fun Verre

-1PP for me (L0rDs)

Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.


forbidden to speak french 341/492 05/08/2007 à 22:25
le blon du 44

When I was child my parents often spoke to me in English then I do not manage badly but I am not bilingual completely Tire la langue
forbidden to speak french 342/492 05/08/2007 à 22:27
le blon du 44 >> Got used to english when i was young, and travel gave me what was missing : experience. Got to go, see ya later.
forbidden to speak french 343/492 05/08/2007 à 22:27
rules again!!! I thought it was a site upon which we may speak freely... Did I get wrong?
forbidden to speak french 344/492 05/08/2007 à 22:30
DarkM@FreeHugs-->missed a word between "used to" and "english" ?

and what do you mean "when I was young"? about relatives...?
forbidden to speak french 345/492 05/08/2007 à 22:33
SweetxWords --> If I could meet a girl like you...!!!
forbidden to speak french 346/492 05/08/2007 à 22:35
Why like me?
what I have of so special ?
forbidden to speak french 347/492 05/08/2007 à 22:37
-1PP(don't care) le blon du 44 : "Got used to English" est correcte. Cela signifie simplement : Je me suis habitué/fait à l'anglais.

E.g : Instead of that you should read and listen more and more to get used to English
And i was talking of my father.
forbidden to speak french 348/492 05/08/2007 à 22:42
sorry... Smile

that's help!! to talk with one's father in english as a child!!

SweetxWords -> gorgeous and smart, you speak english, what dream of better? ( ça se dit DarkM@FreeHugs?)
forbidden to speak french 349/492 06/08/2007 à 22:18
anybody would get rules of this topic???!!! I can't write a topic without having fun!!! --> grand jeu concours
forbidden to speak french 350/492 06/08/2007 à 22:19
Dizzle Kid is back !
forbidden to speak french 351/492 07/08/2007 à 00:12
no compendo

Mr. Green Mr. Green
forbidden to speak french 352/492 07/08/2007 à 00:14
miss a R
forbidden to speak french 353/492 07/08/2007 à 00:19
What's happened ?

Sorry for my english, I do what i can, but I have any difficulties to understand
forbidden to speak french 354/492 07/08/2007 à 10:09
Ich Liebe mehr Deutsch sprechen ! :p kann ich ? Very Happy
forbidden to speak french 355/492 07/08/2007 à 10:50
ja ich auch!! english=scheise Langue qui pend

Deutsch Coeur Coeur Coeur Coeur Coeur Coeur
forbidden to speak french 356/492 07/08/2007 à 11:11
Oh my God I don't understand anything but it's not euh ... Grave x_x

Bryan is in the kitchen Wink
Where is my umbrellaaa ... x_x

Sabaku no Kuea
forbidden to speak french 357/492 07/08/2007 à 11:27
I don't understand the goal of this topic but I try to play the game. My relationships are... How can I say that ? In fact, I've nobody in my life T_T
forbidden to speak french 358/492 07/08/2007 à 11:43
Je suis sur un site francophone donc je parlerais en Français!
Et na! Le chieur né est arrivé! MDR
forbidden to speak french 359/492 07/08/2007 à 11:46
oh! A fool! A treater !!!
forbidden to speak french 360/492 07/08/2007 à 11:51
Norel a écrit :
Ca se croit intérressant et supérieur parce que ca parle anglais devant les autres ?

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