here you are allowed to talk about everything: love
(single persons???) relationships, friendships
anything else ...
But there's just a requirement: to speak english
Those speaking french
less 1 popularity point 
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's points
have fun
-1PP for me (L0rDs)
Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.
H. |
forbidden to speak french |
301/492 |
06/07/2007 à 00:30 |
But me this summer I cannot. Toronto good-bye then
forbidden to speak french |
302/492 |
06/07/2007 à 00:38 |
Ohh, that's no fun.. well then i hope you'll enjoy your holidays where ur going. Got to go, i'm getting quite sleepy lol
forbidden to speak french |
303/492 |
06/07/2007 à 21:14 |
hello or should I say: good evening
forbidden to speak french |
304/492 |
06/07/2007 à 21:18 |
Good Evening !
How are you ?
forbidden to speak french |
305/492 |
06/07/2007 à 21:20 |
fine fine... a little bit tired... you know what I mean... hollidays!!!!
and you??? Oo SORRY my mum calls me, I gotta go
I'll be back after dinner ( I know, it's late...)
forbidden to speak french |
306/492 |
06/07/2007 à 21:27 |
I'm tired to.
I went out yesterday night.
First, I went in a restaurant with my class to celebrate our passing the "BAC" and then with 4 friends of mine we went dancing.
Well "Bon appetit" ^^
forbidden to speak french |
307/492 |
06/07/2007 à 23:13 |
Im, just crying, my fiancée stood up me in the church!!!!
forbidden to speak french |
308/492 |
07/07/2007 à 00:01 |
le blon du 44==> oh, if you create a topic where its forbbidden to speak french , but your aren't good , because tou says "my fiancée "lol , whats , if you don't know how you says a words , you should look for in google , euh not , ^^ google is not good for look for, i think to try a other method ^^
oh , i 'm good in english , i love it
forbidden to speak french |
309/492 |
07/07/2007 à 00:03 |
fiancé--> you'll know that it's right fellow!! look for in a dictionnary
forbidden to speak french |
310/492 |
07/07/2007 à 00:05 |
oh shit , sorry, but i think fiancé says in english "wife " ^^
forbidden to speak french |
311/492 |
07/07/2007 à 00:06 |
Oo no, it's not the same!!!
forbidden to speak french |
312/492 |
07/07/2007 à 00:09 |
I don't want speak english because I'm not very excellent in this language =)
I prefere speak italian ^^
Sorry I am going to play sims 2
Good evening in all
forbidden to speak french |
313/492 |
07/07/2007 à 23:44 |
m'I the only one to not understand HEROES???
forbidden to speak french |
314/492 |
07/07/2007 à 23:50 |
I knows to speak English that when I am tired,
Here is my sentence has to be one little near just.
forbidden to speak french |
315/492 |
08/07/2007 à 22:10 |
good evening!!
I get a joke!!
Three men, an Italian, a French and a Spanish went for a job interview in England. Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words: green, pink and yellow.
The Italian was first:
"I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day."
The Spanish was next:
"I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV."
Last was the French:
"I wake up in the morning, I hear the phone "", I pink up the phone and I say "Yellow ?..."
Iknow, it's not very funny, but Ilike it!!
and you?? Do you know any jokes???
forbidden to speak french |
316/492 |
08/07/2007 à 22:11 |
Hi everybody!
I love English
forbidden to speak french |
317/492 |
08/07/2007 à 22:14 |
I am back (to laugh at unpleasant malicious character has the TV)
forbidden to speak french |
318/492 |
08/07/2007 à 22:17 |
nobody has understood my joke?
SweetxWords---> you loke gorgeous!!! I'm wondering if you have a boyfriend, in view of the fact that you're very beautiful!!!
forbidden to speak french |
319/492 |
08/07/2007 à 22:21 |
le blon du 44
Thank you
but i dont have a boy friend
forbidden to speak french |
320/492 |
08/07/2007 à 22:24 |
I've got a bad english , sorry .