forbidden to speak french

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le blon du 44   forbidden to speak french 492 01/07/07 à 23:37

Coucou here you are allowed to talk about everything: love Amoureux ! (single persons???) relationships, friendships Faire la biz anything else ...

But there's just a requirement: to speak english Exclamation

Those speaking french Arrow less 1 popularity point Sad
Everyone has got 5 PP(popularity points) and can get more if the others admit it
Evil or Very Mad Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's pointsTwisted Evil

Verre have fun Verre

-1PP for me (L0rDs)

Mais tous ceux qui parlent anglais sur ce topic sont hors-sujet, donc j'suis susceptible de virer les messages en français.


forbidden to speak french 321/492 08/07/2007 à 22:33
SweetxWords ---> I'm astonished!! maybe you're bad-tempered or simply difficult!! Faire la biz

forbidden to speak french 322/492 08/07/2007 à 22:44
le blon du 44
I like better to be alone that badly to accompany Rire
and then I have all my time not?
Tire la langue
forbidden to speak french 323/492 08/07/2007 à 22:47
hey there, seems to be a pretty nice thread, okay didn't follow a thing but whatever. Speak and then I'll do the same. cU'round.
forbidden to speak french 324/492 10/07/2007 à 23:19
nobody has liked my joke???
forbidden to speak french 325/492 05/08/2007 à 21:55
Hi!! anyone wants to talk with me?
forbidden to speak french 326/492 05/08/2007 à 21:56
Yes me Rire
forbidden to speak french 327/492 05/08/2007 à 21:58
parlons français ! si tu préfère l'anglais, je t'invite à aller visiter l'angleterre, l'australie, etc
forbidden to speak french 328/492 05/08/2007 à 21:59
i don't not speak english sorry
forbidden to speak french 329/492 05/08/2007 à 22:00
HoshiYo is right! It's a verry good subject, but it's a bit..difficult...if you're bad at english! Very Happy
forbidden to speak french 330/492 05/08/2007 à 22:02
Ohhh an intruder
* hides behind… *
it does not have nothing there to hide Surprised Shocked
forbidden to speak french 331/492 05/08/2007 à 22:02
i don't not speak english sorry
forbidden to speak french 332/492 05/08/2007 à 22:07
So here's my message, and you'll find it in both english and french.

I don't think that speaking english between non-english people will improve your english skill. To raise your english level you'd rather try to talk with persons that do speak a CORRECT english, cause here, except for a few messages, i don't see so much english. There's "for to" and "to being" and other mistakes like that that comes over and over. To be honnest, i think that this topic is a bit pointless. To avoid saying useless. The harder you'll try to speak with REAL english people, the faster you'll learn.

Je ne crois pas que parler anglais entre personnes non-anglaises améliorera quoi que ce soit. Pour améliorer votre niveau vous d'vriez tenter de parler avec des personnes avec un niveau correcte, car ici, excepté quelques messages, je vois pas beaucoup d'anglais. Y'a des "for to" et des "to being" et autres fautes un peu partout. Pour être honnête, je pense que ce topic est sans-but, pour n'pas dire inutile. Plus vous tenterez de parler avec de vrais anglais, plus vite vous apprendrez.

And trust me, got experience behind me.

[J'stop l'anglais, là ça aura suffit à montrer que je suis pas envieux, étant bilingue]
C'est un coup à prendre de mauvaises habitudes...
forbidden to speak french 333/492 05/08/2007 à 22:11
you believes that one is here to learn English?
personally me I am not it…
I am here only for the pleasure Rolling Eyes
forbidden to speak french 334/492 05/08/2007 à 22:12
Et c'est pas pour dire mais même le topic de base est bourré de fautes

"Those profit a bit too by this power or this control on the others will lose all of one's points"

Tu sors ça à un anglais il comprendrais à peine. Si tu voulais dire ceux qui profitent un peu trop de ce pouvoir ou de ce control sur les autres perdront leur points d'un coup c'était :

"Those who would abuse of this power or control on the others would loose all of their points"
forbidden to speak french 335/492 05/08/2007 à 22:14
Where's the pleasure of just keeping saying the same mistakes ? Just to get in the move ?
forbidden to speak french 336/492 05/08/2007 à 22:18
You have finish spitting your venom…? It is well we understood Sifflote
forbidden to speak french 337/492 05/08/2007 à 22:19
I love english !
forbidden to speak french 338/492 05/08/2007 à 22:21
DarkM@FreeHugs --> Oo god I see that we have a highly knowledgeable being!!! Bilingual into the bargain!!! Congratulation, but you can't appraise if this topic is useless or not!!! We are entitled to have fun without any rules...

Otherwhelse, how did you get bilingual? I'd like more than all speak english like if it was my native language... Need advises...
forbidden to speak french 339/492 05/08/2007 à 22:23
Mouais mais euuh l'intégralité du forum (donc l'ensemble des topic et réponses) n'est pas censé etre écrit en français et uniquement en français ?

Soite je ne comprend pas trop l'anglais alors je vais vous laisser blaterer out seul n'est-ce pas ;-)

Mais où va le Cybermonde O_o
forbidden to speak french 340/492 05/08/2007 à 22:24
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