C'est le Ku Klux Clan?
ah nan mais là

Aerosmith: drug and alcohol abuse, equating sex and religion on "Angel"
Deftones: rebellious message, encourage violence
Eurythmics: "Missionary Man" warns listeners away from salvation
Guns n Roses: "sexual violence" in music, album art; inverted cross (Appetite for Destruction)
Led Zeppelin: backmasked messages and references to Pan on "Stairway to Heaven", Zoso = number of the beast
Pink Floyd: lyrics about rebellion
Linkin Park: encourage violence, rebellious lyrics
Nirvana: nihilism, anti-christian lyrics, violent lyrics, song 'rape me', mock the crucifixion, singer committed suicide, hardly a role model for fans everywhere, and lead to fans commiting suicide to emulate him.
Rammstein - all lyrics in German (The language of Hitler)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - use occult symbols on album art, rebellion, inspired violence and arson at Glastonberry '99
ils ont une large vision du satanisme hein o_O
je savais pas que Axl Roses etait sataniste o_O