God hates goths

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Acus Mortiferae   God hates goths 35 20/05/07 à 01:27

vla le titre d'un site américain apparu peut après le virginia tech shooting...c'est vraiment NIMPORTE QUOI!!!! tous les goths et les curieu allez voir, vous allez bien vous marrer...mais faut savoir lire en anglais, on pourra en parler après...c'est trop lol les conneries qu'ils écrivent XD

God hates goths 21/35 20/05/2007 à 12:31
c'est honteux ce truc XD

a se demander si c'est pas un fake..
God hates goths 22/35 20/05/2007 à 12:32
ils sont timbrés ceux qui ont écrit ça! ils disent n'importe quoi, j'ai jamais vu des conneries pareils!
God hates goths 23/35 20/05/2007 à 12:32
n'importe quoi! j'hallucine là^^

déjà que les cailles de mon lycée supportent pas mon style goth, ben là je vais être détesté du monde entier! mdr!
God hates goths 24/35 20/05/2007 à 12:35
DEGOTHING YOUR CHILD ("Dégothiser" votre enfant) Shocked
XD allez lire cette rubrique c'est juste pas possible quoi MDR
Port nawak...
God hates goths 25/35 20/05/2007 à 12:39
"They eat babies, don't they? Uuugghh... freaks like that should be put down!"
[Anne Summers, 16]



God hates goths 26/35 20/05/2007 à 12:48
Laissez moi rire Mr. Green MDR MDR MDR MDR MDR MDR
God hates goths 27/35 20/05/2007 à 13:25
un "lol" s'impose...LOL
God hates goths 28/35 20/05/2007 à 17:55
Pour ce qui lisent en anglais, ceci est une mini analyse avec des quotations que jai fait sur un site a mon ami:

"I, and i wrote back to tell her exactly where her filthy daughters soul was. Burning for eternity in eternal torment in the fires of Hell, suffering for all time because of this so-called 'harmless life-style choice"

=What a sick fuck. And after that he dares to say: "our peaceful Christian organization"
"Over 30 years ago a woman named Dorothy Retallack conducted experiments using music, plants and their combined environment. These results are famous. Taking two identicle sets of plants in two separated but identicle rooms, she exposed them to music. The first set of plants
were played quiet placid subdued devotional "religious" classical music, while the other set were subjected to loud aggressive rock music played at full deafening volume 24 hours a day. The plants exposed to rock grew away from the music source, withered and died, while the plants that were played religious music grew towards the music source and thrived.

The lesson? If rock music attacks and kills plants, what does it do to people? I think it's rather obvious - it does the exact same thing"

=This same experiment was made by mythbusters, they kept plants for weeks with music playing 24/7. One tent was playing classic music, and other hardcore and metal. And guess what? Classic ones died in only a few days, and hardcore/metal were healthy and better than ever.

"Rammstein - all lyrics in German (The language of Hitler)"

=Therefore all german people are satanists and goths? And if hitler never existed hewould have never mentionned him?


-Look who's talking, I think hes better go dig in his church dossiers and look how many sick fucks aka priests were perverts, lunatics,pedophiles and murderers.
And before saying things like Marilyn Manson is a murderer or a pedophile, he should atleast show one solid proof. And not hold his opinion.

"garbage people" as i call them"

=I dont remember making a website and calling him and his people GARBAGE PEOPLE

"Children who worship Kurt Cobain"

=hahaha, and how many children worshiped jesus? what proof does he have that his jesus was so damn important? Maybe he was just another sect leader

=You dont have to be an idiot to see that all of these are fake. Just look how similar and childish the names are. This guy has no imagination

=Oh please, whould he stop now? Dude, he seriously has a huge mental problem...
God hates goths 29/35 20/05/2007 à 19:07
xd marrant
God hates goths 30/35 20/05/2007 à 19:26
Trop mort de rire le site God Hates Goths.....
Ils sont tarés les américans...
N'empeche que ça me fait marrer de voir toutes ces conneries écrites sur les gothiques
J'en suis pas un, mais disons que je respecte leurs choix: ils ont le droit d'être gothique ^^, du moment que ça dérange personne
Smile Jap
God hates goths 31/35 20/05/2007 à 19:30
j'ai montré ca a mon pere et il m'a di :"tt facon y en a qui disai que Elvis Presley était le diable !"
God hates goths 32/35 20/05/2007 à 20:24
MDR sa c'est vrai...tro nimport nawaki
God hates goths 33/35 21/05/2007 à 21:20
hop...ohhh un topic qui remonte tout seul... Sifflote Mauvais ange
God hates goths 34/35 21/05/2007 à 21:24
Allez voir le disclaimer... Pour ceux qui ont la flemme :
"The Godhatesgoths website, Parents Against Goth Movement and Gods Hammer Baptist Church are complete works of fiction. It is a satire/parody. [...]
This site is meant to be viewed as black humor, parody and satire[...]."
En gros c'est un fake
God hates goths 35/35 21/05/2007 à 21:27
ah merde...jpréfère quand c'est du vrai...dommage^^ merci pour l'info quand meme^^
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